- mahlzeit! 11:28:40
- RT @SenseBox_De: Am 15.5. hält @thomas_barto vom #ifgi im Rahmen von "Münsters Wissen frisch gezapft!" @WWU_Muenster den Vortrag "Die Verme… 11:29:44
- RT @PhilosophyMttrs: A solution to the old philosophical problem has finally been found : the glass is refillable https://t.co/32PrWSRetM 11:31:05
- RT @Ajprescott: The forgotten labour of digitisation. All newspapers in the British Library were ironed before they were microfilmed to ens… 11:31:39
- RT @FakeLibStats: 99% of librarians have a favorite subject heading 11:32:23
- RT @markuspreiss: Für UK zu stimmen hätte natürlich den Charme, dass der nächste #ESC dann direkt nach dem #Brexit dort stattfinden würde.… 11:32:27
- RT @BL_European: If you're enjoying #Eurovision why not catch up on our 60th anniversary blog post from 2015 while you wait for the scores.… 11:32:55
- RT @Liam_Beattie: Let us take a moment to appreciate the BBC subtitle team. #ISR #Eurovision https://t.co/iMHiXxheBH 11:33:03
- RT @JolyonMaugham: My Granddad, who partly raised me, lives in NZ. Some years ago I set him up with a Kindle linked to my account. Hence ev… 11:33:48
- RT @Snoopy: How to make an entrance Snoopy style. https://t.co/xOAD1hULCH 11:35:22
- RT @MicroSFF: "How is your experiment with the humans going?"
"We are approaching a critical mass of unity through #Eurovision."
"They will… 11:35:53 - RT @FuzzyLeapfrog: Auch bei #jhcgn wird #esc2018 geschaut. #jugendhackt https://t.co/adMqiIyjlZ 11:36:56
- RT @Snoopy: Happiness is being cozy in bed. https://t.co/4xxcW5KcbK 11:39:10
- RT @MajaMaricevic: Unique postdoctoral opportunity with @turinginst and @britishlibrary to establish a data-driven understanding of the UK… 11:39:51
- RT @MicroSFF: "I was a handsome prince once," the frog said.
"Will kissing you make me one?" the princess said.
"That'll change none of us,… 11:41:46 - RT @robvegas: Wir haben einen Gewinner für den Nobelpreis 2018. https://t.co/107bJ45U7X 11:44:02
- RT @fermatslibrary: Some curious properties of squared sequences of 1's https://t.co/lxdUeLqJXj 11:45:07
- RT @AwwwwCats: I knew it! https://t.co/RKTvRgxThB 19:29:41
- RT @rubyetc: https://t.co/DzFnn1V1x3 19:59:17
- RT @astrodicticum: Manchmal ist die Mathematik wie Kunst. Sie benötigt für manche Formeln keine eigene Begründung. Ihre Faszination genügt.… 19:59:40
- aus münster ist zb. @FHRoolfs dabei. 🙂 https://t.co/U5BjCAO8jR 20:02:53
- RT @PadraigBelton: It's been two years. So it's worth revisiting the time a friend was slightly confused by her + Jews! travel charger. Be… 20:03:17
- RT @FAZ_Feuilleton: Zettelkasten, Formular, Fernleihe: Diese Zeiten sind vorbei. Die Digitalisierung alter Bücher hat für Forscher enorme V… 20:04:03
- RT @FakeLibStats: The librarians are the monsters at the end of the book if you don’t return it on time
#endfines https://t.co/IxFdgnEsjc 20:04:55 - RT @qikipedia: The Bassa language of Liberia only has only two terms for colour. ‘Ziza' covers the warm end of the spectrum (red, orange, y… 21:59:00