- 'morgen! 06:22:10
- RT @TimCattrall: Captain Kirk hat immer Brückentag. 06:22:14
- RT @ElkeBreitenbach: Heute las ich es wieder: sozial schwach. Menschen mit geringem Einkommen sind nicht automatisch sozial schwach, sie si… 07:44:28
- RT @Protohedgehog: Finally announcing my alternative to the @OA_Button. Clippy is the Open Access hero we deserve. https://t.co/3X3WFULSaA 07:44:35
- "Digital #Publishing: A Home for #Faculty in the #Library – Exercises in #Innovation from Harvard Law School"… https://t.co/nvDJUqRRyz 07:57:13
- using the @signalapp windows desktop version and wanting to minimize it to tray? start it with "–use-tray-icon –s… https://t.co/D52sO0OPlZ 08:14:39
- "managing the electronic resources lifecycle with #kanban" https://t.co/AqYQvdTExa #kanban #library… https://t.co/9pxcIVoefH 09:12:30
- RT @tomgauld: My latest cartoon for @guardianreview. Lots more here: https://t.co/ghxyW3KPko https://t.co/Hmt6QGEYQa 11:22:31
- RT @historylvrsclub: The Paris Library floods, 1910. https://t.co/jI01FKLIqK 11:25:00
- RT @CSchwarzkopf: Was motiviert Wissenschaftler*innen zu #openscience? Ein schöner Beitrag von unserer Stipendiatin Caroline Fischer (jetzt… 11:25:14
- RT @PhilosophyMttrs: The Condition of Our Time https://t.co/VhVC1PkjMf 11:26:36
- "tropy" (@tropy): a tool for organizing and describing photographs of research material: https://t.co/DXfkgf9M8D (v… https://t.co/yjSh95JjsJ 11:48:34
- "#wissenschaftskommunikation heute: immer mehr, immer bunter – immer wichtiger?" – veranstaltung mit ausstellung am… https://t.co/4wemsFnohJ 12:01:14
- informationen für münsteraner (und auswärtige, die in münster arbeiten) zu straßensperrungen u.ä. rund um den… https://t.co/KiuNPExiEs 12:38:44
- RT @schadoma: Wer die nächste E-Mail mit Stil beenden will: Eine Datenbank von Abschiedsformeln historischer Briefe, mit Filtermöglichkeit… 14:03:54
- RT @lingucat: »Ich bitte um fernere Erhaltung Ihrer huldvollen Gnade, und verbleibe mit tiefester Verehrung Ewer Durchlaucht« wird direkt ü… 14:03:59
- RT @GaboTuitero: Your paper, before and after peer review https://t.co/Oujns5F5ti 14:23:59
- ! "by growing the infrastructure together, no #library or #institution should create and sustain #RDM programs alon… https://t.co/f7cysXWmHu 15:06:29
- in münchen gibt es die "radlretterei": https://t.co/0lB0G5RvCn. das wäre auch was für münster! #fahrrad… https://t.co/aIpsQ8pYg7 17:54:37
- RT @nichtich: Jupyter notebook with multiple languages: https://t.co/VJkKRs4bHk – something like this should become part of Jupyter core! 23:24:54
- RT @AlexanderLasch: Ich möchte gern auf den YT-Kanal eines unserer Tutoren, Tom Fischer, hinweisen, der in seinen Tutorien zur Einführung i… 23:25:25
- RT @Wit_of_Wilde: To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. 23:26:27
- RT @AcademiaObscura: Who can work in STEM? | @errantscience https://t.co/ISq0I7Zfid 23:28:05
- RT @redpenblackpen: It appears your science has crashed. Would you like to try again?
#science https://t.co/zVGZiJuCyo 23:28:27 - RT @susiekju: UB Köln und GESIS haben Soziologie-Portal SocioHub entwickelt – Ziel: Recherche soziologischer Literatur, eigene Publikatione… 23:28:41
- RT @MicroSFF: "Why did you eat him?" they asked the monster.
"No reason."
"You can't just eat people for no reason!"
"Would you allow me, h… 23:28:53 - RT @manovich: Note for media history: The Internet Archive has uploaded emulations of classic games to Handheld History, a free digital lib… 23:29:31
- RT @storyneedle: This looks so cool!
Tropy is a free PC tool to manage images, that allows you to browse and add your annotations, and use… 23:30:41 - RT @AmrapaliZ: New #linkeddata cloud is here with 1,184 datasets with 15,993 links (as of April 2018) ! https://t.co/vdMHIbHx3c https://t.c… 23:30:49
- RT @marccold: CW: LINKED DATA is coming
ME: Yup
CW: How are you preparing for LINKED DATA
ME: Recording relationships in records
CW: Oh… 23:31:19 - RT @SpecGram: Difficult Word of the Week: soliped—solidungular; solidungular—solidungulous; solidungulous—solidungulate; solidungulate—1 ho… 23:32:28
- 'nacht allerseits, und guten start in den mai! 23:50:38