- 'morgen! 05:45:22
- RT @AcademicsSay: Me (before coffee): “Academia is a publishing-industrial complex fuelled by status cues and free labour to create termino… 06:28:23
- RT @karstens: Warum es falsch ist, wenn in Bibliotheken alles durch die Leitungen überprüft wird, bevor es publiziert wird https://t.co/zwh… 09:29:46
- RT @rgl_bib: Chefetage trägt zur Demotivation bei? Das Gegenteil wäre wünschenswert! #Bibliothek #Publizieren. https://t.co/JqMdBUWkX9 10:12:17
- RT @guenterhack: Auf Deutsch klingt Quatsch einfach am besten. 11:55:52
- RT @AcademiaObscura: Know your grammar. https://t.co/hBjuJY4WY0 11:56:57
- RT @Wit_of_Wilde: When a man has no enemy left there must be something mean about him. 11:58:16
- RT @AcademiaObscura: Outreach: forcing yourself to talk to people even though you became an academic so you could write papers and not talk… 11:58:29
- RT @AlexanderLasch: Kollaborativ auch über räumliche Distanzen arbeiten zu können, ist eine der Voraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche #Digi… 13:39:36
- RT @qikipedia: "There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate." LINDA GRAYSON 13:39:53
- RT @lukask: We can still use a couple of #elag2018 presentation and workshop proposals. Don't be shy! https://t.co/rpK9N8Jkqx 13:40:49
- RT @petermurrayrust: Yesterday I was very very angry. Today I am incandescently furious. TL;DR I cannot access an article I authored 23 yea… 13:41:56
- RT @aarontay: Pleased. @BASEsearch finally helped us re-index so our Institutional repository so OA full text is correctly indicated. Took… 13:43:33
- "Sprachwissenschaftler|innen […] haben ohnehin vor nichts Angst." jau. 🙂 https://t.co/nUJbcNSGUn 13:46:04
- "A #DigitalHumanities Reading List: Part 3" by @LIBEReurope: https://t.co/MwknspnadH in reply to v_i_o_l_a 14:59:37
- interesting aspect of #digitalscholarship & #libraries: "For librarians, and #digitalhumanities librarians in parti… https://t.co/ns2s56DMCI 15:26:23
- [article found via https://t.co/BUlhB3fkqa via https://t.co/pUXXE3q11C%5D #digitalhumanities #digitalscholarship #reading in reply to v_i_o_l_a 15:28:24
- RT @tomgauld: 'New on your e-reader: choose from four e-personality modes!’ (for the @guardianreview) https://t.co/fRR3zBkObF 16:51:06
- RT @mimimibe: Die Uhr am Herd ging zu meiner Verwunderung neulich mehrere Minuten nach. Was ich nicht wusste: Ihr Taktgeber ist die Netzfre… 16:51:19
- RT @rdlankes: German Edition of Expect More Named 2017 Book of the Year https://t.co/sBCuxlKvdi https://t.co/Su8WgQXCqm 16:52:35
- RT @MicroSFF: "I'm your biggest fan!" the young man said. "I wanna be like you, dark, dangerous-"
Batman studied him. "Are you kind?"
"Why?… 16:52:55 - well, isn't there enough drama online e.g. on twitter? 🙂 https://t.co/KdEPh40OaN 18:51:13
- RT @twittlik: Wir haben uns immer über das Mittelalter mokiert, weil die den Leuten da unsinniges Zeug als Heilmittel andrehen konnten, man… 18:51:54