- 'morgen! 06:19:36
- RT @ASmallFiction: "So you just opened a box and let all the world's evils out?"
"Relax, hope was in there too."
"Was an apology in there… 06:19:42 - RT @HoarseWisperer: Ronald Reagan was surrounded by Secret Service agents when he was shot.
I guess they just needed a few armed math teac… 06:35:17 - RT @Snoopy: Calling it quits for today. https://t.co/HwQCjf5UFH 06:36:50
- die leute, die meinen, es bräuchte im münsteraner karneval kein glasverbot – die könnten sich doch eigentlich mal t… https://t.co/Pf6wk4u1bV 07:43:47
- eine meiner verschwörungstheorien besagt, daß wasserkocher nur von leuten entwickelt werden, die in gebieten mit we… https://t.co/5qOvgogYlN 08:12:44
- hm, ich glaube, @WDR2 wirft mal wieder "grippe" und "erkältung" durcheinander. nicht jede dicke erkältung ist gleich eine grippe! 08:16:14
- 😀 https://t.co/I22IySQHbM 08:48:41
- RT @tschfflr: Are ligatures generally not searchable in pdfs (generated from Latex)? Just had problems finding my name in a @LangSciPress b… 08:50:39
- RT @john_overholt: The Met has added a staggering 375,000 public domain images to Wikimedia Commons, and it's transforming the use of its c… 11:04:55
- RT @CodeWisdom: "In programming, the hard part isn't solving problems, but deciding what problems to solve." – Paul Graham 11:49:26
- RT @katjaberlin: so selten wie sich männer solidarisch zu #wegmit219a geäußert haben, könnte man fast meinen, die selbstbefruchtung hätte s… 11:50:51
- RT @kramtrak: Anyone who thinks giving guns to professors is a good idea has never seen a professor try to set up a PowerPoint presentation. 11:51:22
- "bestehst Du eine hausarbeit?" quiz der @zeitcampus zum wissenschaftlichen arbeiten: https://t.co/LVkcUXY6HI 12:10:46
- RT @jackiecarbajal: As a woman, I just want the same rights as a rattlesnake. https://t.co/JQIFDoDTUL 12:14:17
- RT @PainPoint: Front End vs. Back End https://t.co/JY4aLso2Hu 12:52:41
- "liebe und wahrheit" auf twitter: https://t.co/2EDX9pTNn9 🙂 12:59:23
- nicht alle, aber einige, ja. :/ https://t.co/eOnklmgY1f 18:04:22
- RT @MicroSFF: I wake up, listen to the radio. It's today again. Must try harder, to move on to tomorrow.
I swore that every day I'd make t… 18:06:12 - RT @physicistswife: Ich war viel zu lange nicht mehr hier! 😀 #BotanischerGarten der @WWU_Muenster #Münster https://t.co/hYbuAGf4EP 18:07:02
- RT @NeinQuarterly: Sure, thank God for Friday. But thank Marx for the weekend. 18:07:37
- RT @DerBuddler: Losing my religion. https://t.co/fXTMAmZTJy 18:07:56
- RT @diktator: Also ich habe keine Ahnung von Sport, aber das Eiskunstlaufen in der ARD gerade ist völlig außer Kontrolle geraten! 18:08:31
- RT @WWU_Muenster: Eine Lovestory!
Wenn Molekül B das Molekül A liebt, die Liebe aber unerwidert bleibt, spielen unsere Chemiker die Rolle… 18:13:53 - RT @AcademiaObscura: Turtle scientist dresses up as turtle during presentation. I don't have the words to describe how happy this makes me.… 18:14:28
- RT @AndrewBloch: KFC apologises with a full page ad in today's Metro. A masterclass in PR crisis management.
#KFCCrisis https://t.co/ZF4Sf… 18:15:14 - artikel des tages in der deutschen wikipedia: #enigma. https://t.co/OglY5g4J7A 18:37:43
- RT @AabisZoo: #Skyline am Hafen in #Münster https://t.co/Q18CcRW9uB 19:30:12
- RT @lis_grievances: A project that failed (& was not needed in 1st place) but yielded article & presentation. We favor the publishable over… 19:52:33
- RT @GermanyDiplo: Travel advisory: Germans in Canada should exercise a high degree of empathy. Be nice, don’t gloat, give hugs, buy rounds… 19:53:42
- RT @jamescullen123: For those that are interested. These are all the fonts used on the classic Huy Fong Sriracha Hot Sauce bottle. https://… 19:55:32
- RT @nypl: Ronald Clark grew up in a branch of The New York Public Library. Now his story is an animated short. https://t.co/WkbRXNeA2O 20:44:11
- RT @herdyshepherd1: Field vole https://t.co/mHPC9gJZaG 20:45:49
- RT @BLMedieval: In Old English, one word for student was 'leorningcniht', containing the roots of the modern English words 'learning' and '… 20:45:55
- "Bringing #OpenAccess into #InterlibraryLoan with the Open Access Button" https://t.co/r5tyErsHnP #preprint 21:21:17
- 'nacht allerseits, und schönes wochenende! 22:13:25