- 'morgen! 05:55:43
- RT @colours_bot_wp: Spanish violet [hex:4C2882, RGB:(76, 40, 130), HSV:(264°, 69%, 51%)] ( https://t.co/lkzzMctP4x ) https://t.co/KCfNWFZ6F0 06:06:32
- RT @TIBHannover: Wer möchte gerne seine Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit in, an oder für die TIB schreiben? Wir haben verschiedene Vorschläge fü… 07:51:45
- RT @HaggardHawks: Word of the Day: FORSWUNK (adj.) exhausted with work 08:01:29
- RT @kkrieger79: Baby it's cold outside @ Lostau https://t.co/4G38kLONNT 08:05:57
- falls jemand #probleme mit dem #login bei #skype hat: abmelden im client und wieder anmelden kann helfen. (vgl. ein… https://t.co/qWR4FIpxZh 12:19:58
- RT @qikipedia: An average espresso shot contains about the same amount of caffeine as a mug of PG Tips. 18:32:05
- RT @ZBW_MediaTalk: Wo geht´s hier nochmal ins Wochenende? 😉 https://t.co/6kgxqscJpz 18:33:55
- RT @elclimo: #NationalPizzaDay https://t.co/wLBTEbrjWC 18:35:04
- RT @SenseException: People who left your company can deliver the best employer branding you can get.
Or they also can nullify all your bra… 18:35:24 - RT @EnglishRussia1: When the tea is too hot and you are an engineer https://t.co/SOXPVPx1ZC 18:36:19
- RT @torstenreimer: Vacancy @britishlibrary: we are looking for a lead for an EU project on persistent identifiers (including @ORCID_Org, @d… 18:37:19
- RT @SpecGram: Sprachgeist (the gist of a language): Korean: Our Writing System is More Awesome Than Your Writing System 18:37:23
- RT @SoVeryBritish: Home, telly, bed.
Shop: https://t.co/tVLNxFHwWw https://t.co/l8sqr3rEr7 18:38:08 - RT @AcademicsSay: Roses are red
Violets are-
[See below for full text purchase options]
#AcademicValentine 18:39:43 - RT @FuzzyLeapfrog: "Being a good coder is not about learning programming languages, it is about mastering the art of problem solving." http… 18:40:09
- RT @FakeLibStats: Further proof that one should never allow librarians access to labeling supplies https://t.co/XVQMpVPmPl 18:40:29
- RT @SteinbergRene: #50shadesofgrey 3 – jetzt wird geheiratet
klingt ungefähr so spannnend wie:
#Hangover 3 – jetzt wird aufgeräumt 18:41:33 - RT @Monde_diplo: Unser Comic des Monats stammt von Tom Gauld und findet sich in der aktuellen LMd genauso wie in unserem Online-Archiv: htt… 18:42:19
- RT @tomgauld: If you enjoyed the comic in German that I just retweeted then you may be interested in my new book of cartoons from @editionm… 18:43:56
- RT @DB_Bahn: Zugnummern sind kein Zufall. Wie sie entstehen und was sie bedeuten: https://t.co/EewPu7uTn6 18:44:44
- RT @0mgould: University of Muenster (Germany), GI Science leaders, are hiring a junior professor (remote sensing). https://t.co/HnMrOa78gH 18:45:11
- RT @_Fenris_: Heimat- und Innenministerium?
IHR GENDERT „HEIMAT“? 18:46:23 - RT @UniHeidelberg: Bibliotheca Palatina: Ein einmaliger Bücherschatz ist digital wiedervereint. Digitalisierung der deutschsprachigen und l… 18:46:50
- RT @die_falknerin: Darf ich dir das Du fehlst mir anbieten? 18:47:31
- RT @jeroenbosman: So an 11 year old paper @tandfonline will cost you €36 excl. tax (for which you can also buy a beautiful book that will b… 18:47:44
- RT @profkeithdevlin: I'd be delighted if my 'Introduction to Mathematical thinking' course on @Coursera were made available in Marathi http… 18:48:49
- RT @RoxanneLaWin: There’s three hungover girls on the table next to me, dissecting last night. From what I can gather, they have a communa… 18:49:09
- RT @ThWuebbena: Der @dhd2018 -Workshop „Wikidata: Nutzungsmöglichkeiten und Anwendungsbeispiele für den Bereich Digital Cultural Heritage“… 18:59:36
- RT @jonesEternity: #lovedata18 next week it begins. @UppsalaUniLib we have a week with events https://t.co/fodvOroIcT most welcome! https:/… 19:01:51
- RT @jordosh: How today’s pros solve math problems: Part 1 | this is a must-read from @profkeithdevlin https://t.co/aVVf7iReU3 19:04:51
- RT @NeinQuarterly: A gentle reminder from the philosophers that politics has never been pretty. Nor has aesthetics. 19:34:07
- RT @Graefe_Jan: Das neue #Philosophikum der #WWU mit #aussentreppe zum #treppenhausfreitag #treppe #fassade… https://t.co/OWWF9aRKGP 20:31:53
- "People Notice There’s Something Wrong With The Rock’s New Movie Poster, And Things Escalate Quickly" https://t.co/kput8Iw9BA #skyscraper 🙂 20:42:38
- RT @xkcdComic: The History of Unicode https://t.co/08ulYktcy3 https://t.co/jkuyRtz67i https://t.co/QaDr6Yqr2H 21:53:11
- RT @melreeve: H&M going for the niche information management and library professionals market there https://t.co/KiGXz4kbTX 21:54:14
- RT @ferocias: En 1879, @Le_Figaro félicitait la @laBnF d'avoir déneigé le trottoir de la rue Richelieu . Un texte issu des collections de @… 21:55:23
- RT @qikipedia: ‘If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; if this is tea, please bring me some coffee.’
ABRAHAM LINCOLN 21:55:45 - 'nacht allerseits, und schönes wochenende! 22:49:03