- 'morgen! 08:28:10
- RT @thecochenille: @Protohedgehog As long as the hiring system does not change, however we want to use OA, it will be hard for young resear… 08:39:08
- RT @rdwrt: @thecochenille @Protohedgehog indeed, it’s not the researcher or librarian who decides the success of #openaccess, it’s the univ… 08:39:12
- RT @TurmBuchOch: Letztlich übersteigt die Zahl der Bücher immer die Kapazitäten des zur Verfügung stehenden Raums.
Alberto Manuel, Die Bib… 08:40:35 - RT @SpecGram: Poetry is what gets lost in translation. —Robert Frost 08:41:50
- RT @eliistender10: #stablegenius you say https://t.co/Sae0Jz1snt 08:42:22
- RT @FakeLibStats: Librarians know they're starting to put on a little extra weight when they have to undo a few cardigan buttons 08:42:44
- RT @PhilosophyMttrs: How to practice being a philosopher : a guide https://t.co/ZDBMnvyvQV 08:44:47
- RT @SoVeryBritish: “Oh I’d love to, but…” – Translation: I’d rather eat a handful of sand 08:46:22
- RT @hatorikibble: Amüsanter thread.. Bei den Fernleihtests ist das bei mir "rathkolb" "paradoxe Republik" https://t.co/GAw5ftdtlh 08:51:34
- "how indecisive are you, on a scale of 1 to hamlet?" https://t.co/tUvZFyuQbb 08:52:49
- RT @GlobalGoalsUN: Introducing Level 4 of our Lazy Person's Guide, the Exceptional Employee! There's a lot you can do in your workplace to… 09:31:32
- RT @histoftech: If you could have anything named after you, what would it be? 09:51:44
- RT @Iamwhoismoses: @histoftech A library 09:51:52
- RT @NZZ: Die französische Sängerin France Gall, die im Ausland vor allem durch ihr Lied «Ella, elle l’a» bekannt wurde ist tot. https://t.c… 11:28:27
- RT @everycolorbot: 0x690f87 https://t.co/t552hVPdY1 11:32:25
- "ich schenke ihm weihrauch!" – "ich schenke ihm gold!" – "ich schenke ihm seine erste große liebe!"… https://t.co/ctnSZ0CezJ 11:33:29
- RT @ralphruthe: Sonntag. https://t.co/LPZs5LXUHe 11:47:09
- RT @ste_fino: Die Igel werden immer größer heutzutage. https://t.co/uoIhMQgYFu 11:47:52
- RT @elizabitch_r: Women don’t care about bullshit like this. Give us affordable feminine products, don’t tax us for them. Give us equal job… 11:48:10
- RT @LaurynIpsum: Lauren is a monster. https://t.co/m0mvVeHCJu 11:48:23
- RT @bckaemper: Die #Bachkantate für den heutigen 1. Sonntag nach Epiphanias aus der Stiftskirche Stuttgart:
Meinen Jesum lass ich nicht (#… 11:50:56 - aus der reihe "#apps für erkundungen der wirklichen welt" heute: "quarterquest", u.a. mit einem quest für #muenster… https://t.co/zlkuCqZcDk 11:57:33
- eine weitere #app "für an der frischen luft": "wanderwege im münsterland" https://t.co/U3EiVfcfob (via münster-maga… https://t.co/7RrCEWS6Hm 12:00:02
- RT @press_me_now: word. https://t.co/AkGj4QmOY3 12:09:31
- RT @fro_vo: ROBIN: the batmobile won’t start
BATMAN: check the battery
ROBIN: what’s a tery 12:23:34 - "analog islands" https://t.co/BCTUvS0blS #geekandpoke 12:31:45
- RT @MicroSFF: It's not the same, reading about forests in ebooks.
Paper remembers the whispered wind, the dappled light, the soft smell. An… 13:42:32 - RT @BrianNosek: Science Magazine enacts TOP Guidelines policies for all articles: open data, materials, code, and disclosure of preregistra… 13:42:55
- RT @FakeAcademStats: Sundays are simultaneously filled with joy because it's still the weekend and dread because of the impending workweek.… 15:47:42
- RT @Mohrenpost: Das Musikhaus Bading hat zum 1. Mal im April 1919 seine Türen geöffnet. Es ist ein Stück altes, nostalgisches Neukölln, das… 17:20:40
- RT @SoVeryBritish: Trying to act relaxed and interested in the Sunday lunch conversation, whilst being acutely aware that there’s not nearl… 17:20:53
- RT @SchweitzerInfo: Geburtstag Konrad Duden (3. Januar1829). Hier sein berühmtester Roman und absoluter Bestseller "Die deutsche Rechtschre… 17:21:43
- RT @SpecGram: Autodescriptive Linguistic Terms: ᶁỉäçȑîṭĭčś 17:21:53
- RT @tmalsburg: Writing good conference abstracts is hard, I know. But please, please let us know why you did what you did and what you thin… 18:05:55
- RT @NeinQuarterly: Here. Have 5 years of grad school. #NeinManifesto https://t.co/at7VnYkE7F https://t.co/dlrwI6Zy5W 18:33:43
- RT @AabisZoo: Der Steiner See in #Münster – #Hiltrup https://t.co/G96YpW62wD 18:59:54
- RT @PhilosophyMttrs: In France, in interviews the President reveals that he knows something about Hegel … in the USA, in contrast, #covfe… 22:37:12
- RT @qikipedia: Many Roman statues were made with detachable heads. If the figure they depicted became unpopular, the statue could simply be… 22:38:41
- 'nacht allerseits! 22:54:54