- 'morgen! 06:16:40
- RT @brandontlocke: part of having a library degree is being perpetually salty about the things people say about librarians/archivists & lib… 06:29:09
- RT @ASmallFiction: "Are we alone in the universe?" she asked.
"Yes," said the Oracle.
"So there's no other life out there?"
"There is. T… 06:33:32
- RT @PhilosophyMttrs: Consciousness: Where—and what—Are Words? … https://t.co/P3JVKwGDtX https://t.co/MsBmbzho3M 06:33:59
- RT @AcademicsSay: New Year’s resolutions are like a box of chocolates: One can never fully anticipate the scope and magnitude of the eventu… 06:34:17
- "Wäre das Wort „Danke“ das einzige Gebet, dass Du je sprichst, so würde es genügen." (Meister Eckhart) (via… https://t.co/TegmTNdqIh 07:54:45
- "British Library launches bilingual website showcasing 1,300 #Hebrew #manuscript treasures" https://t.co/dmsxnVu89Y… https://t.co/H3S97Z7oWb 08:59:00
- ich hatte schonmal dran gedacht, und jetzt hat mich der titel einer neuerscheinung* dran erinnert: für die… https://t.co/kc8X69jeOc 09:11:56
- RT @iIovepoetry: Self Help! https://t.co/UVbwZ8Cr3Y 09:32:28
- RT @Oval_station: Friday 29th December Thought Of The Day From Oval Station https://t.co/KncZw3x31d 10:59:58
- RT @kriegundfreitag: Obwohl es noch so früh ist, habe ich schon die Welt verbessert. https://t.co/agYsAjib7O 11:00:49
- an die kolleg:innen in bibliotheken, die heute "im dienst" sind: vielleicht zum jahresabschluss noch fünf fotos für… https://t.co/B0Fo5HbUVi 12:04:52
- RT @colours_bot_wp: International orange (aerospace) [hex:FF4F00, RGB:(255, 79, 0), HSV:(19°, 100%, 100%)] ( https://t.co/NrkewPqmqz ) https:… 12:05:14
- I herewith declare the Verschlagwortung 2017 season closed. 🙂 https://t.co/Zpc8TPI971 12:05:59
- RT @keriesk: "Schönheit ist die Erfüllung des Sehens."
Pierre Bonnard, 1932 https://t.co/tndri3scGZ 12:35:49 - the new edition of "Portals to the Past and to the Future – Libraries in Germany" is available #openaccess:… https://t.co/d5jP3ELUsn 12:38:07
- RT @nichtich: One of the best take-aways from #34c3 so far: learning about Codes of Conduct. Good summary at https://t.co/rCLFtQhdBg 12:38:59
- RT @RobTemple101: “Maybe I could start being healthy before January?”, he pondered, as he spread Nutella on his morning Twix. 12:39:23
- RT @Apfelkernchen: Elrond hat die WhatsApp-Gruppe "Gemeinschaft des Rings erstellt"
<Aragorn hinzugefügt>
<Frodo hinzugefügt>
<Gandalf der… 12:40:23 - RT @tomgauld: 'The Art of the Rant' for yesterday's @guardianreview
p.s. my new book #BakingWithKafka is out now: https://t.co/oxhSj4BO1a h… 14:31:10 - RT @BMittermaier: Note to self: Never say "We have reached a deal with #Elsevier" unless we can disclose what was agreed. https://t.co/ZQHW… 14:36:34
- RT @Dudenverlag: Zwischen den Jahren: Was ein bisschen poetisch klingt, hat interessante historische Hintergründe – https://t.co/d5YEni3typ… 14:37:33
- … so: der letzte eintrag im dienst-kalender für 2017 wäre dann auch erledigt. 🙂 https://t.co/gKDNxUTwtB 15:40:08
- RT @astefanowitsch: Ein schönes Beispiel für Potenzial und Gefahren von Big Data. #34c3 https://t.co/n7I6hbB7uV 15:41:49
- RT @DIEZEIT: Kleiner Hinweis.
#TortenDerWahrheit #KatjaBerlin https://t.co/NlsqRhVMFb 15:42:15 - RT @Berlin_Type: Umlauts of the year, part 3:
Inset superscript.
#TypeInBerlin #UotY https://t.co/Q3lrtX0280 15:43:41 - RT @Berlin_Type: Umlauts of the year, part 2:
Rabbit ears.
#TypeInBerlin #UotY https://t.co/h3gDW8KOZ1 15:44:03 - RT @Berlin_Type: Umlauts of the Year, Part 1:
The baker’s hat.
#TypeInBerlin #UotY https://t.co/DSPXtDvtC7 15:44:08 - unsere katze fand das völlig unter ihrem niveau. sie hat für's schmollen sogar auf die verstecken leckerli verzicht… https://t.co/VrO6BTC0bO 15:45:22
- RT @mimimibe: Und Zutaten. https://t.co/S5Ys563dLl 15:46:10
- RT @SoVeryBritish: Day update: Managed to deduce that it’s Friday, though apparently lots of people are going out on Sunday? More news as w… 15:47:27
- I herewith declare the Arbeitsjahr 2017 closed. #Feierabend 🙂 15:49:26
- RT @ASmallFiction: "Rain, rain, go away, come again another day," he sang.
"Fine," said the rain.
But it didn't come again. The crops wer… 17:34:23 - RT @qikipedia: In Japan emotions are judged more by eyes than mouth, hence their emojis look like this: ^_^ or ;_; rather than :o) or 🙁 17:51:21
- RT @DonatoCabrera: Why Germany is classical music’s superpower https://t.co/hntpGEpsyq via @financialtimes 18:44:09
- seven days, seven black&white photos of my life. no people, no explanation. day 4/7. [I won't challenge other perso… https://t.co/UrsLx9wJ7B 19:17:46
- RT @historyinmoment: one of the first cat photos 1880-1890 https://t.co/SQCutrwh0p 19:42:35
- RT @hhofgermany: #Münster’s Prinzipalmarkt is a piece of living town history, telling tales from the Middle Ages, the Hanseatic League, and… 22:05:29
- RT @qikipedia: 'The method of learning Japanese recommended by experts is to be born as a Japanese baby and raised by a Japanese family, in… 22:06:06
- RT @DerFlixxx: Das höchste Credo aller Kunst sollte sein: Zugänglichkeit. 22:07:30
- RT @c_yates: It's okay if the most significant thing you did this year was get through it. 22:08:05
- RT @FakeLibStats: 26% of librarians are doomed to fail at their New Year's resolutions because they've decided to try to both drink less an… 22:08:44
- RT @AabisZoo: Heute früh war noch eitel Sonnenschein in #Hiltrup am See. #münster https://t.co/idAqQKfwQx 22:09:55
- [wobei wir das werk nicht gekauft, sondern geschenkt bekommen haben. kann es hier vielleicht jemand gebrauchen? :)… https://t.co/eex3UpIl79 22:11:42
- "fun year-end puzzles" https://t.co/61dCbsxLrC 22:17:35
- RT @ThatAndromeda: Just wrote a thing where I can upload a file to my neural net and it will tell me what MIT theses are most similar
I up… 23:00:25 - RT @ellyteratur: Bei ,Rucola' fehlt doch ein ,m'? 23:00:37
- es wird eine #DIN-SPEC für CIELAB geben: https://t.co/S9E9leguQH #farbsystem #spezifikation #standardisierung #normierung #opensource 23:19:04
- 'nacht allerseits, und schönes wochenende und guten rutsch! 23:26:48