- 'morgen! 06:18:02
- RT @esteinhauer: die obesession der bibliothekare für #zukunft verstehe ich nicht. ihr job ist doch eher vergangenheit #gedächtnis https://… 06:32:34
- RT @permutans: "no you hang up" https://t.co/MTUatgFt9p 06:33:17
- RT @dm_cooper: What does it take for scholars to share their data? My latest @IthakaSR report on Public Health explores https://t.co/B3YLP… 06:34:21
- RT @I_amGermany: What was the hardest thing to get used to when you came to Germany? 06:36:35
- RT @rachelinmunich: @I_amGermany People yelling "Mahlzeit" to one another between 11am-2pm. 06:36:38
- RT @CamburgBahnhof: @I_amGermany Complete strangers saying good morning. People you have met more than twice still shaking your hand. Toddl… 06:37:04
- RT @GinaBeeDC: @I_amGermany Words longer than the alphabet 06:38:30
- RT @deceze: @I_amGermany After returning from many years in Japan: the general grumpiness and "Servicewüste". Though once you get used to i… 06:38:42
- RT @LeonorAgan: @I_amGermany Knocking on the table instead of an applause! https://t.co/Sny73cpBFe 06:38:51
- RT @chrisnage0049: @I_amGermany Language 06:40:17
- "Es gibt keine unfotogenen Menschen. Man muss sie nur richtig sehen!" (Josef Heinrich Darchinger) (via https://t.co/L4VYhltLO1) 07:00:12
- RT @ASmallFiction: He wasn't funny, but he found funny people to orbit. He caught reflected laughs.
If he couldn't be the sun, maybe he co… 08:21:16 - RT @Grantscheam: Die meisten halten „Netzneutralität“ ja auch nur für eine lobenswerte Charaktereigenschaft des Schiedsrichters beim Volley… 09:09:17
- RT @bodleianlibs: The @OED word of the year is youthquake, coined in 1965 by Diana Vreeland, renewed this year in political commentary. htt… 09:17:28
- RT @colours_bot_wp: Twilight lavender [hex:8A496B, RGB:(138, 73, 107), HSV:(329°, 47%, 54%)] ( https://t.co/fIxKSjq32P ) https://t.co/gKjdojC… 10:11:36
- RT @ETreharne: Here’s the Christmas hedgehog (again!) Verdun MS 107 #MedievalTwitter https://t.co/nlTPbroTdr 10:31:42
- RT @twig2noise: TIL: Linguists now apologize when referring to a works of theirs which appeared in Elsevier's #Lingua and hasten to add tha… 10:32:42
- "Nightmare before Christmas." https://t.co/ljBZqp8gHF #cats #xmastrees 11:40:37
- RT @paroxysmus: Data management knowledge, tools, and training
https://t.co/68JPU0u8de 12:42:15 - RT @kallenje: Kollege fragt, ob ich Deutsche Gebärdensprache deshalb studiert habe, weil ich jemand Gehörloses in der Familie habe. Er hat… 13:36:35
- RT @LangSciPress: Good news from @OpenAIRE_eu : our proposal to release all our business data and processes as a "cookbook" for other disci… 13:57:04
- RT @StefanMuelller: Thanks @twig2noise for the good news and all the good work leading to it. https://t.co/iOAX0d6W1P 13:57:09
- RT @mimimibe: Angela – Schicksalsjahre einer Kanzlerin https://t.co/mvtTcWyHn8 14:35:46
- RT @qikipedia: Russians have two words for blue: light (goluboy) and dark (siniy) but regard each as separate colours not shades of the sam… 14:37:02
- RT @StabiHH: Die neue Ausgabe von o-bib. Das offene Bibliotheksjournal 4/2017 verspricht interessante Lektüre: https://t.co/X4HqL9iRsH /mt… 14:37:49
- RT @astefanowitsch: Durchsage im Zug: „Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Besuch“ – ich schreib ein Buch „Der Nominativ ist dem Akkusativ der Tod“ und… 14:38:16
- RT @qikipedia: The Greeks had no specific word for ‘blue’, they used ‘kuano’ (the origin of our word ‘cyan’) to describe various shades of… 14:38:33
- RT @SoVeryBritish: “I can’t come to work today”
“Really don’t want to” 14:38:48 - RT @SpecGram: A Surreal History of Linguistics and of the World’s Languages. https://t.co/BLWef5DdEF 16:05:55
- RT @DeinNRW: Wir ❤ Münster. Wann kommst Du staunen? https://t.co/7uMESTaoEf © https://t.co/3ydDqEGIU3 / een_wasbeer https://t.co/YEy238PN99 16:06:04
- RT @FakeLibStats: When you finish a book and can't believe how it ended https://t.co/3hTjri2Bq1 16:07:35
- "everyday superpowers" https://t.co/A5kT9OjQD6 🙂 16:12:12
- RT @ralfheimann: Wie blöd. Dann sieht man ja gar nicht, dass es eine Feuerwache ist. https://t.co/TFaibVfRKP 17:53:37
- RT @WWU_Muenster: Die #WWU_Muenster sucht eine Unifotografin oder einen Unifotografen! Alle Infos zum Wettbewerb: https://t.co/rTGhRGwRH4 h… 17:54:08
- RT @delaiglesia: Mist! Was machen wir jetzt?!? @jahnkealex @FranziDiehr @suwannie @junicatalo https://t.co/Fs3Cpb5TEs 17:54:19
- RT @PelikanKristina: #Abschiedsvorlesung M.Tanner @SwissTPH @UniBasel https://t.co/u2Qp7g3EXE 19:03:23
- aus der münsteraner forschung: sprachnachrichten auf #whatsapp sprachwissenschaftlich untersucht:… https://t.co/WnW15xlqeR 22:01:10
- the @BibSonomyCrew has updated the firefox and chrome #extensions for #bibsonomy: https://t.co/mHK3rw362n 22:02:19
- I have to admit that I like the #pantone #coloroftheyear #2018: it's ultra #violet! https://t.co/Ab9IRoxRwc 🙂 22:03:46
- david rumsey map collection (@davidrumseymaps): over 82,000 #historic #maps available online:… https://t.co/MALrbJ0C4O 22:08:43
- RT @qikipedia: During World War 2, German sabotage agents developed an exploding chocolate bar. #QI
https://t.co/gmMQrLGInd 23:10:31 - RT @Grantscheam: Wenn man Chips mit ausreichend hoher Geschwindigkeit in den Mund schaufelt, glaubt das Schrittzähler-Armband, dass man ger… 23:10:42
- RT @RealPeerReview: You can write diaries about anything and get it published in a peer-reviewed journal https://t.co/lJ7oT9vNsV https://t.… 23:12:00
- RT @nichtich: weblogs and scientific publications converging https://t.co/j2qf9vrPGQ 23:12:05
- RT @DORAssessment: #DORA makes one general recommendation: Do not use journal-based metrics as surrogate measures of the quality of individ… 23:12:47
- RT @TerribleMaps: 1920 Australian map of sheep https://t.co/RuZbEYbfSW 23:12:51
- RT @Woodstock: """' '""' ' '''''! #TGIF 23:12:59
- RT @zuphilip: "Von der Schneeflocke zur Lawine: Möglichkeiten der Nutzung freier Zitationsdaten in Bibliotheken" in o-bib erschienen https:… 23:14:01
- 'nacht allerseits, und schönes wochenende! 23:17:26