- 'morgen! 05:59:44
- series "world championships for everything", today: classic #tetris! https://t.co/AAnGVM5sAb 🙂 06:17:50
- heute ist donnerstag. #servicetweet 06:18:10
- RT @alecia_bruns: All things are made up of chemicals, so saying "chemicals are toxic" means literally everything is toxic. Including you.… 06:21:23
- RT @shollyg: Darwin’s theory of evolution describes the origin of species, not the origin of life. #MyOneScienceTweet https://t.co/7kLQHfzK… 06:21:31
- RT @Kdaniel33: To a scientist, “theory” = fact. The not-yet-proven thing you’re thinking of is called “hypothesis”. #MyOneScienceTweet 06:21:47
- RT @colours_bot_wp: Payne's grey [hex:536878, RGB:(83, 104, 120), HSV:(206°, 31%, 47%)] ( https://t.co/AjZBLkuOch ) https://t.co/XD4hyYYD1c 08:06:48
- "Plans to promote German research excellence come under fire" https://t.co/zswFPwCKnt (via https://t.co/MU2TQJQwqL) #exzellenzinitiative 10:59:36
- "#twitter in der #wissenschaft: #anleitung für #einsteiger" von
@SusanneGeu: https://t.co/qNrvCERv6v (via https://t.co/MU2TQJyVzd) 11:01:29 - RT @Lambo: "Gatekeeper?" Srsly? Logo eines Markenprodukts für Medienkompetenz (!) an Schulen, liegt hier überall beim #tdmnds17 aus
#selbs… 12:47:27 - RT @Mareike2405: Ein Buch aus jedem Land der Welt lesen – in einem Jahr! https://t.co/mgvPaLMnMR 12:48:41
- RT @anacrolix: Don't skip maths. #MyOneScienceTweet 12:49:52
- RT @ReTweetAbleMike: Wow. Completely humbled. Thanks folks at IFL! #MyOneScienceTweet Brilliant idea @EntoLudwick, thank you so much! https… 12:51:27
- RT @maddylan_: Not all mathematicians are good at counting, or adding, or any kind of mental arithmetic #MyOneScienceTweet https://t.co/SC4… 12:51:41
- RT @Quasilocal: Mathematics is a huge and wonderful field of research; not just a tool for other fields #MyOneScienceTweet https://t.co/cZH… 12:52:00
- RT @jadegoodall_: Correlation is not causation and data isn't the plural of anectdot #MyOneScienceTweet 12:52:14
- RT @Astro_MiguelM: Retour sur #GW170817 et la #kilonova : le grand mublic se demande légitimement "Mais à quoi ça nous sert ?" #inutile (1/… 12:53:52
- RT @OliBerne: @Astro_MiguelM Et surtout peu importe que ça ne serve à rien. Faire "des choses qui ne servent à rien" c'est ce qui nous rend… 12:54:02
- RT @OliBerne: @Astro_MiguelM Personne ne demande à quoi sert l'amour, mais si ça n'existait pas on se ferait chier. L'astrophysique c'est p… 12:54:05
- RT @BotCaroline: @OliBerne @Astro_MiguelM « Science is like sex, it can produce something but that’s not why you do it » 12:54:13
- RT @HerrMosekund: Wörter, die der deutschen Sprache fehlen: Mutanfall 12:55:26
- RT @LSEImpactBlog: How do students access the resources they need? Survey finds only one in five obtain all resources legally. https://t.co… 13:28:47
- RT @adeppe_UB: "Ein kluger Mann macht nicht alle Fehler selbst. Er gibt auch anderen eine Chance." #failnight 7.11 @presseunikassel https:/… 14:03:44
- RT @DRG_physics: When shooting communications lasers between mountain tops, you'd think birds would get in the way more than kangaroos do,… 14:43:05
- RT @eliseakramer: Language is simultaneously a lot messier and a lot more systematic than you think it is. https://t.co/Fn15jvKVcD 14:43:53
- im neusten #wortgeflecht kümmert sich @tiemannTV um die redewendung "im #dreieck springen": https://t.co/26gfrSdZGz #podcast #sprache 14:53:21
- "neither of them smiles all the time." https://t.co/KcBad2iBah #howseriouslytaken #howcomplicated #genius #difficult 14:58:19
- da @aeb44225 nach unseren #webquests fragte: dabei handelt es sich um selbstlern-einheiten zum wissensch. arbeiten.
https://t.co/nTeyOgIgNq 15:03:02 - RT @thinkchecksub: #thinkchecksubmit is now available in German (and 23 other languages)! https://t.co/ohs9bQDDSS 15:10:51
- RT @OATage: Die #oat17 sind unlängst vorbei. Die #Slides sind peu a peu – im Programm verlinkt – auf @ZENODO_ORG publiziert: https://t.co/K… 15:12:27
- RT @SachaJones93: Science is just theories. But they're theories based on evidence so if you want to disprove it, you also need evidence #m… 15:12:44
- RT @EvaHourihan: Knowledge organization systems represent a perspective and not a 1:1 correspondence with reality. #MyOneScienceTweet 15:13:07
- "17 #German #Words with #no #English #translation" https://t.co/ac0AO0TNTm 🙂 (via @XenGuides, https://t.co/4vGvFHtG0l) 16:15:16
- welcome on board: IATUL has joined twitter! @IATULorg #libraries #association #organisation #conferences #meetings #exchange 16:28:19
- RT @arikkershenbaum: @EntoLudwick Animals talk to each other all the time, and talk about loads of different stuff. We aren't that special!… 16:35:25
- nächste woche gehts nach #regensburg zum #RVK-#anwendertreffen #2017. ich stelle die münsteraner aktivitäten vor. :… https://t.co/xSaejd2U7o 17:07:19
- and now: third (and hopefully last) round of "concert handicraft". 🙂 https://t.co/jpZL11WKhh #bva #cafeintaact https://t.co/iKfednFXHP 20:18:04
- RT @hauschke: Why is there no preprint repository for philosophy, economics, and political science called https://t.co/wEWWrS5Va6? 22:30:27
- RT @recessladyrants: 3rd grader: “Did you know that if you ask Siri something at 3am she comes out and stabs you?” 21st century urban myths. 22:30:52
- RT @jplie: https://t.co/ArDS1fVVJC https://t.co/qX8JOlbz0l #netbib 22:31:19
- RT @tzeic: There is no grammar and no language. Those are kenotaphs to address the conceived tendency of human communication to conventiona… 22:31:48
- RT @buechereiwien: Weihnachtskekse isst man ja bekanntlich primär wegen ihrer gesundheitlichen Benefits^^ https://t.co/lwwEBF4ulV 22:33:02
- RT @BagelTiger: And costume of the year goes to https://t.co/IPvAdDY0UP 22:34:30
- RT @FakeLibStats: 98% of librarians move things just to just confuse patrons 22:35:18
- RT @Jeffrey_Beall: Many Academics Are Eager to Publish in Worthless Journals [Newspaper article] https://t.co/3wNKJh3HXk #OA 22:36:29
- RT @ZBW_MediaTalk: Conference Paper: “Crowdsourcing the Dewey Decimal Classification: When Users Become Contributors” https://t.co/aqyRVz4H… 22:37:17
- RT @AcademicsSay: Don't believe everything you cite. 22:37:39
- RT @WWU_Muenster: What is more important? Knowledge or life? The new image film of the #WWU_Muenster helps to decide: https://t.co/KhZjpBZ… 22:37:47
- RT @MissJonesTravel: #Mittelalter: Die Typologie des #Einhorns https://t.co/p5288zZaSo 22:38:17
- RT @qikipedia: 40 squirrels spent 10 months training for and shooting one scene in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
https://t.co/8txHAS3e… 22:38:58 - 'nacht allerseits! 22:41:27