- 'morgen! 06:18:50
- RT @qikipedia: A survey in Britain in 1943 found that the top tip for a successful marriage was ‘liking’ your partner. 07:47:49
- RT @SteinbergRene: https://t.co/XWBkavBafP 07:48:11
- RT @ASmallFiction: He slipped notes into bottles,
and he tossed them to sea.
And they said: "I've been stranded!
But it's fine, leave me b… 07:48:28 - today is the 300th day of the year. #servicetweet (learned from @WDR2) 🙂 10:45:04
- RT @colours_bot_wp: Eminence [hex:6C3082, RGB:(108, 48, 130), HSV:(284°, 63%, 51%)] ( https://t.co/I5Gw0IPdBw ) https://t.co/hl8bULTPTt 11:06:28
- RT @frankwettert: Gefahr baumgefährlicher Sturmböen (100-110 km/h, Bft 10 bis 11) auch in höchsten Lagen des Westens @WDR2 #Sturm #HSK #Sie… 11:36:27
- RT @scinoptica: Why do publishers for texts they license under CC additionally demand the transfer of exclusive copyrights? #copyright #Ope… 11:40:17
- RT @twig2noise: @scinoptica because they do not understand licensing? 11:40:20
- RT @scinoptica: @twig2noise that would be to obvious… 11:40:23
- RT @twig2noise: @scinoptica but it is very plausible. Read this: https://t.co/F8MpTibmDh 11:40:25
- RT @improbresearch: "Under the Radar: Scientists Discovered How to Unboil Eggs" https://t.co/10rSfpasAy https://t.co/Bvio3W9oHA 12:32:03
- RT @ass_deans: I like to keep my expectations to myself so that if the initiative fails, it is because you didn't do what I wanted you to. 13:22:23
- RT @ferli90: Already uploaded today's presentation "Open Access & Repositorien (OA & Repositories)" to @humcommons! https://t.co/auzJcHOCEV… 13:23:32
- RT @eDissPlus_Dev: eDissPlus Poster bei der #oaweek und #Force2017 https://t.co/nbd6mVrwdu https://t.co/4F5x1mz73V 13:25:51
- RT @ArchieMcPhee: The new Librarian Action Figure is here! https://t.co/nNnB6oWmzb https://t.co/BACkmdMM1A 13:26:33
- RT @stbibkoeln: Ich brauche dringend einen roten Umhang für die nächste Facharbeitssprechstunde … (cd) https://t.co/mWlKHIV3Xd 13:26:42
- RT @UoYLibrary: A while back we put up a whiteboard in the Morrell and asked you for your best #UoYTips. The results were epic, so we made… 13:40:01
- RT @UoYLibrary: Here they are then, 7 of your top #UoYTips! https://t.co/7qRalGus0z
(Reproduced verbatim, as you can see…) https://t.co… 13:40:04 - RT @semesterspiegel: Wir haben die #Baustelle #Studiobühne der #WWU_Muenster besucht. Für die Eröffnung drehen zwei Studenten einen Film. h… 13:40:29
- RT @Barrling: "Alla" är ett ord som skulle behöva definieras närmare. 13:41:40
- RT @volltexter: Ein Inserat geht entschieden zu weit oder mit Freunden. https://t.co/kDC5fRCvEK 13:42:58
- RT @TIBHannover: Neu im Blog: Nicht nur schwarz und weiß: Die Qualität von #OpenAccess-Zeitschriften bewerten https://t.co/z4vPoyhkQq #oawe… 13:44:07
- RT @lis_grievances: The law of triviality ( https://t.co/7ms9eemkmy ) and 20,000 e-mails of The Great Naming Debates. 20:36:15
- RT @ASmallFiction: "Her eyes:
Shifting indicators of her biometrics,
they are romantically irrelevant."
He sighed. Poetr… 20:37:29 - RT @astrodicticum: Ich mach es ab jetzt wie Möbius! Ich werd elitär und halte nur noch Vorträge für Gebildete 😉 https://t.co/hlLDOyo35p 20:38:07
- RT @FakeLibStats: When librarians don't respond immediately: 45% are thinking; 10% are trying not to laugh; 45% are suppressing a scream 20:38:22
- ! "have a good weekend, friends"! https://t.co/SzLMvKCTOF 20:48:16
- RT @colours_bot_wp: Roman silver [hex:838996, RGB:(131, 137, 150), HSV:(221°, 13%, 59%)] ( https://t.co/KrUVvU2KyL ) https://t.co/nzI5XJC5AH 22:06:09
- 'nacht allerseits, und schönes wochenende! 22:37:05