- 'morgen! 06:20:48
- RT @nancyleong: THE WOMEN HAVE WON THREE TIMES https://t.co/uhd8JrcJsf 08:09:32
- #openaccess #publikationsfonds #publicationfunds #list https://t.co/9OZV2dn2KY 09:07:38
- RT @ZBW_MediaTalk: #Forschungsdaten: Wer ist zum Teilen bereit? https://t.co/FYlQYPo7O2 09:28:36
- RT @ORCID_Org: We are currently at 3,943,211 ORCID iDs – Help us reach 4M iDs to celebrate our 5th anniversary! https://t.co/jXlAYiqJ1L #OR… 09:49:48
- RT @SecretCoAuthor: Ich freue mich ja über jeden Radfahrer mit Licht. Aber stellt es bitte so ein, dass Entgegenkommende auch noch was sehe… 09:50:11
- RT @Knirschenimkopf: Solange Leute auf der Straße stehenbleiben, um den über sie in V-Formation hinwegfliegenden Zugvögeln zuzuschauen, ist… 09:50:16
- RT @ASmallFiction: "Watch for wolves in sheep's clothing," grandma had told us.
It didn't help.
She'd never warned us about the things th… 09:53:20 - RT @lis_grievances: Librarians who have never had other jobs 09:56:54
- RT @DerBuddler: "Warum kreischt der Typ denn da vor dem Picasso?"
"Das ist ein Kunsthysteriker." 09:58:36 - RT @colours_bot_wp: Metallic Seaweed [hex:0A7E8C, RGB:(10, 126, 140), HSV:(186°, 93%, 55%)] ( https://t.co/eQNIsezUg7 ) https://t.co/IApCl6ZK… 10:07:29
- RT @qikipedia: Word of the day (Scottish) YOWE- TREMMEL: week long cold, windy rainy weather. 13:52:21
- RT @pkandelic: We are sorry to inform you that Niall Ferguson thinks he has invented transnational history. https://t.co/YEkIfGF5Qt 13:52:46
- RT @JuergenFinger: @Mareike2405 Why didn't you think of that while writing your last book! Transnational! And networks! https://t.co/pzOA2g… 13:53:25
- RT @graphittiblog: Shampoo https://t.co/kAhLOPHcZU 13:53:44
- RT @bkaden: Warum verwendet man #disruptiv in diesen Diskursen eigentlich so wenig im Sinne der viel passenderen Bedeutung? #Digitalisierun… 13:54:49
- RT @dachschadenheit: Faszinierend, wie sich Argumente zu Homöopathie und AfD gleichen. Tatsachen weichen Empfindungen, Wissenschaft weicht… 13:55:54
- RT @SoVeryBritish: May you all avoid stages 3-5 today https://t.co/KTaU24JB9R 13:56:25
- RT @DerFlixxx: Jetzt darf ichs ENDLICH sagen!!! #Spirou #Flix #Erlangen2018 https://t.co/q1tnWh09vF 13:57:48
- RT @Emran_Feroz: Best thing I have seen so far on Austria's burka/niqab ban. https://t.co/Et2jxs697E 13:58:18
- RT @oa2020de: Our slides about the national #openaccess contact point OA2020-DE are online available, also in english https://t.co/NzMKMpW4… 13:59:31
- RT @BMittermaier: Scientists resign as editors of #Elsevier journals in the course of the German #DEAL negotiations. To be continued http… 14:01:21
- RT @ankegroener: Was mir die letzten Tage mit meinen alten Eltern über meine Stadt beigebracht haben: https://t.co/iumYvbfoH3 #blogwerbung 14:01:34
- RT @C_Emcke: Touché – Juergen Kaube ueber #Macron https://t.co/kLQQQTZKlR 14:02:06
- "faroe islands translate": not only written translations, but also videos! https://t.co/rBIznI3dR9 🙂 (via https://t.co/pLOrOeXgG2) 14:12:52
- ich stand gestern neben dem bücherbus der stadtbücherei münster an der ampel. ein schönes gefühl. 🙂 https://t.co/ubxIitoEiF #bibliothek 14:24:35
- ich ergänze: Utrecht ( https://t.co/sIFoH6v4bJ), Wien (Akad. der Künste) (https://t.co/BbRXQ2BWKr), Zürich (https://t.co/bkQL1JU1Cc ) in reply to v_i_o_l_a 14:34:42
- RT @NZZ: Die #USA treten aus der #UNESCO aus. https://t.co/uEx88xRaVw 15:48:49
- RT @BIBB_liothek: Habt ihr Mal an die Bäume gedacht? Nee, ne? Ihr denkt nur an euch? #fbm17 https://t.co/o9AfnJgCeW 15:50:12
- RT @cpan_pevans: "How long is a piece of string?"
<Unicode> Well, now.. are you talking bytes? Codepoints? Graphemes? 15:50:19 - "damit es auch mal eine schöne geschichte zum thema #atom gibt": das #wortgeflecht von @tiemannTV hat sich gekümmert https://t.co/1FZ4it0ngX 20:08:41
- TIL: es gab einen bordeaux-brief und einen brief nach bordeaux. https://t.co/T4Dwv8hL0M #philatelie #mauritius #blau #rot #zeitzeichen 🙂 20:09:48
- RT @lis_grievances: Using the word ecosystem to refer to something other than a biological community of organisms 21:18:16
- RT @lis_grievances: librarians 21:18:37
- RT @lis_grievances: Publications and research on the topic of librarian stereotypes 21:18:44
- RT @Furmadamadam: Phone box graveyard, Germany.
Photo by Ralf Hirschberger https://t.co/57GsIlgJyn 21:19:02 - RT @AcademicsSay: Do unto others as you would have them not ask how your writing is going. 21:19:29
- RT @jakeschild90: @ItchyFeetComic Creator Malachi Rempen Talks Zen, Language Learning and Cultural Competence: https://t.co/P0pIBVrrVy 21:22:25
- RT @physicistswife: Feierabend! 🙂 #Münster #vonwegeninMünstergibtsnurschlechtesWetter https://t.co/9fFQu3MnHk 21:22:36
- RT @SoVeryBritish: “Ah well” – Translation: Another dream crushed 21:22:43
- RT @AabisZoo: Ich konnte nicht ahnen, dass es noch besser werden würde #sonnenuntergang #münster https://t.co/aJBzLz63xZ 21:22:52
- RT @paulisci: If this can be a salad, you can be anything. https://t.co/K4KHNn1ZIm 21:23:08
- RT @AabisZoo: Erwähnenswert: Ein regenfreier Oktobertag in #Münster. https://t.co/nKZtACUGUy 21:23:24
- RT @brembs: Oooh highly exciting! Regret having transferred your copyright? Use this tool to see if you can get it back! https://t.co/tmw1a… 21:23:44
- RT @MsPhelps: "Operation #beprexit" 🙂 @upennlib to explore open alternatives to #bepress after Elsevier acquisition: https://t.co/a2hFWLg… 21:23:52
- RT @viagregory: Is it irony to weed out a book on weeding? #librarylife https://t.co/tYvuYmZfQ4 21:23:59
- RT @FakeLibStats: 90% of librarians have reserved a study room using a pseudonym in order to have some introvert time 21:24:16
- RT @yzfreedman: Is that… is that the Fanta of the Opera? https://t.co/uqEGVFNsRj 21:25:05
- RT @ZBW_MediaTalk: Don’t fall into "The Publishing Trap": Try out the new copyright board game for researchers! https://t.co/DOvcTfGo70 21:25:59
- RT @ASmallFiction: "It's simple. Pick two people, shoot them both with arrows, they fall in love."
"OK. But what if I miss?"
"Eh. It happ… 21:26:20 - RT @IdaOstenberg: Arch enemies. https://t.co/gXvDJ55xeM 21:57:42
- RT @einstueckkunst: Und? Seid ihr da, wo ihr euch vor 5 Jahren gesehen habt?
Macht nichts. 22:12:48 - RT @FakeLibStats: …and all librarians simultaneously nod in agreement https://t.co/NPFF6hvrYT 22:36:13
- RT @muenster4life: Schön vorhin… 💛❤️⚪️ #ms4l #Münster https://t.co/xiD7whlAw3 22:36:31
- 'nacht allerseits! 22:37:07