- 'morgen! 05:59:54
- RT @library_connect: These 4 tips on finding #openaccess articles on @ScienceDirect would be great to include in a research skills class https://twitter.com/sciencedirect/status/892414657931206658 06:23:37
- RT @FakeLibStats: Ranganathan's rejected 9th Law: For every file on the library's shared drive, a separate folder https://t.co/ux406U14Yq 06:23:53
- RT @R_Thaler: Got this from a friend. Needed in so many talks. https://t.co/4mCc0HjPSY 06:27:48
- RT @cibera: "Die Digital Humanities sind, was wir aus ihnen machen." https://t.co/wcfmjjlQ3d 07:40:37
- RT @nERDANZIEHUNG: Die Parteien zur Kreiszahl Pi https://t.co/DqvUUtPn2o 07:58:34
- RT @AlexanderLasch: Passend zum 1. November – danke! #baldschonistweihnachten https://t.co/CntPRBmJu8 08:39:55
- RT @glaserti: These 3 tips on finding #openaccess articles wld be great to include in a research skills class: OAbutton, Google Scholar, Black OA https://twitter.com/library_connect/status/903376611378176000 08:41:15
- "Systematic or Mechanical Arrangement? Revisiting a Debate in German Library Science, 1790–1914" https://t.co/1Ikmqry4Cm #shelving #history 08:47:56
- RT @Sprachpingel: Abwesenheitsnotiz im Jahr 2017. Jetzt weiß ich auch nicht. https://t.co/ThheYLQHLN 09:40:26
- RT @AllThingsLing: This music video has cross-sections of the vocal tract while singing and is a catchy song to boot! https://t.co/SAiDnLifNS 09:41:25
- RT @econobitch: “How to Email Your Professor (without being annoying AF)” by @lportwoodstacer https://t.co/fpUz6mWW8P 10:46:46
- RT @hatorikibble: vielleicht hat ja noch wer ein paar Euro? https://t.co/ZOeNXFedU7 10:55:24
- RT @SteinbergRene: Was beim #wahlomat vor allem immer rauskommt: daß man zu vielen Themen vielleicht ne Meinung, aber unglaublich wenig Ahnung davon hat. 10:56:27
- RT @SoVeryBritish: September 1st… bring out the mince pies 10:57:13
- RT @OpenScienceNews: German Academic and Research Institutions Increasingly Make Open Access their Default Option https://t.co/8wqsj7Zp20 12:38:30
- RT @ankegroener: Die edition suhrkamp, gestaltet von Willy Fleckhaus, noch bis 10.9. in der Villa Stuck. https://t.co/LjzDgJT2lM https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DIoen1vWAAIKrHo.jpg 12:48:53
- RT @to_je: Man müßte vielleicht ein Ministerium für digitale Infrastruktur schaffen. Und mit einem Minister besetzen. Der dann Dinge tut.
Oh, wartet … https://twitter.com/esteinhauer/status/903566423364173827 12:49:20 - RT @FakeAcademStats: When an academic has a sense of humor, it's pretty epic. https://t.co/7tkN8fsFM0 12:51:23
- RT @carstenkessler: “A Geoprivacy Manifesto” – paper accepted w/ @grantdmckenzie: https://t.co/n5lZA7yAOi https://t.co/nhBouf3Hkr 13:34:38
- "Work-Life-Balance" https://t.co/ujKrhWY4a2 🙂 14:28:23
- RT @Kipp_Dotter: Es ist ganz gut, dass wir nicht wissen, was die Welt zusammenhält. Ansonsten hätten wir sie schon lange auseinandergenommen. 14:28:29
- some #summer #music #inspiration? "every song of the summer since 1958" in one clip: https://t.co/RHf6quupQF 🙂 14:44:04
- RT @german_tutor: Phraseum – a web clipping app for language learning https://t.co/nzfeMTDphw #learngerman 14:53:26
- RT @FakeAcademStats: It's never too early for a deep and heavy sigh, indicating that exhaustion is just around the corner (67% of academics so far today). 15:08:12
- RT @AcademicsSay: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, it's going in the syllabus. 15:11:00
- RT @EvilArchivist: #vocab OICOCLC = When you make a discovery via catalog records. #HailDarkivists #archives #libraries 15:16:36
- aus der #geschichte von #muenster: "Eine wahre Fundgrube: Einwohnerbücher" https://t.co/AbYXIMETJ6 15:19:51
- RT @Bibliojo: I just found out about this: Library workflow exchange https://t.co/lBL3DH3jGD https://t.co/nf1cwrQajn 15:32:30
- RT @SpecGram: Autodescriptive Linguistic Terms: He used the delimitative aspect for a while. 16:02:32
- RT @annehoganson: I really want this book by @ASmallFiction! It's 82% funded … pretty please help it get to 100%? https://t.co/QD4l4JoaQh 16:02:39
- RT @FakeLibStats: A good librarian has at least six tasks they know can be done in the time it takes to steep a cup of tea or brew a pot of coffee 16:03:38
- RT @AabisZoo: Blick vom Drubbel auf St. Lamberti #Münster @ Drubbel https://t.co/PHQI20sJzC 16:04:11
- RT @thomas_mohr: 1.9.39. Seit 5 Uhr 45 twittert @RealTimeWWII das Grauen in Echtzeit. 16:04:48
- RT @xkcdComic: Ringer Volume/Media Volume https://t.co/9ebFwfqeNH https://t.co/WCYpDOKWhT https://t.co/sNmMoGg17D 17:09:05
- RT @raeuberhose: Oder auch. https://t.co/3ffbChfdXt 17:09:33
- RT @Calvinn_Hobbes: 😁 https://t.co/r3xBh7pbip 17:09:55
- RT @to_je: #Katzencontent: "Scratch Post – Simon's Cat | NEW BLACK & WHITE" https://t.co/ZYnTt6juov (via @YouTube) 17:13:34
- RT @deuxcvsix: Ich habe einen Tweet auf einen hübschen Hintergrund kopiert und zu den anderen Motovationssprüchen gehängt. Mal sehen wie lange. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DIpDq4nXYAApHeH.jpg 17:14:04
- RT @bumsonseats: The amazing fertility of the older mind https://t.co/kIOfIr9V8i via @BBC_Future 17:15:04
- "rhetorical answers" https://t.co/bAV2nzCGEE :] 17:32:21