- 'morgen! 05:48:54
- RT @Brilliant_Ads: This. https://t.co/9f7oeaa5YQ 06:35:49
- RT @backhoe_mix: twitter has brought me some beautiful friendships for the small price of the total warping of my sense of humor & all of my language skills 06:36:07
- RT @Brilliant_Ads: Just a reminder https://t.co/VPAHR54tps 06:36:39
- … I'd go for vanilla on top and vanilla on the bottom. #icecream 🙂 https://t.co/bFQb6foWKy 06:38:10
- RT @SpecGram: The tongue is not steel—yet it cuts. —Anonymous 06:43:14
- RT @allonsygui: The Smiths https://t.co/V9gBHgGtYu 06:44:54
- RT @creativecommons: 🙌🏽 In honor of #WorldEmojiDay check out our proposal to get CC into unicode! https://t.co/0M2IiUN2Ci 🙌🏽 06:46:33
- "Man muss etwas von der Vernunft erwarten, mehr von der öffentlichen Meinung und alles von der Zeit." (F. L. Jahn) (https://t.co/L4VYhltLO1) 07:46:30
- RT @simongerman600: The world's largest city is #Tokyo (38M). Moving its citizens around requires a miraculous #PublicTransport system as this #map shows. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DE_hIElXkAAJv6A.jpg 08:07:02
- as long as there are no students yet, the staff of our german dept library can use the study garden for working in the open air. #luxury 🙂 https://t.co/GGIWu3NRkE 08:49:15
- RT @tiemannTV: Der #Amerikaner ist ein Import aus den USA, hieß aber ursprünglich ganz anders. Beim "#HotDog" ist es anders herum: 🌭 https://t.co/XWJf4Gy2Ak 10:54:56
- RT @wertverstellung: Käyttöehdot, Yhteystiedot, Ymmärrettävästi, Älynväläykset, Arkkitehtitoimistossa… Oder: warum ich mit Finnen kein Scrabble spiele. 10:55:24
- RT @linguisten: ‘Anumeric’ People: What Happens When A Language Has No Words For Numbers? https://t.co/NQUUZ090g8 10:55:53
- RT @MerriamWebster: 'Doctor' has no gender in English. 11:55:11
- RT @muenster_de: Historische #Münster-Bilder aus der Zeit bis 1945 – Unsere Bilder-Galerie mit hochauflösenden Fotos wurde erweitert: https://t.co/yuvidsjwC8 11:55:31
- RT @DerFlixxx: "Ich will, dass Du nie stirbst!" – NEUE "Glückskind"-Folge Alle Folgen hier: https://t.co/idHCgPS8xf https://t.co/n5sbPbFhLY 14:15:11
- RT @to_je: @DerFlixxx *schnüff*
Danke. 14:15:17 - RT @HerrDrKlaerer: Just saw poster for Bad Religion and I pronounced it in my head like it was a German spa town. 15:17:04
- RT @historant: 2017, habilitierte Historiker entdecken das Internet. Wikipedia hingegen hilft seit 2001 Schülern bei ihren Hausaufgaben. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DFBMsfiXoAEpwau.jpg 15:34:43
- series "a first for me": mowing the lawn. #olddog #newtricks #duetocircumstances #notinmyresponsibilitynormally 🙂 https://t.co/2RP1Igtokg 20:52:16
- RT @SoVeryBritish: "Let's agree to disagree" – Translation: You're wrong but I'm tired 21:22:04
- RT @olinj: Brand new post about how I'm handling my brand new job: https://t.co/ih9s2EDoqn 21:22:39
- RT @lis_grievances: Good thing nobody wants to use our data services. We don't actually have the expertise or resources to put them into practice. 21:23:53
- RT @carolrhartsell: Lot of folks who have never cared about Dr. Who before are suddenly very concerned. Maybe we should announce that climate change is a woman. 21:24:16
- RT @ASmallFiction: "Ghosts see you when you are alone, honest, unguarded," she said. "They see the real you. If you see a ghost, don't be don’t be afraid. Be ashamed." 21:24:41
- RT @tomgauld: a recent cartoon for @newscientist https://t.co/R4HEmOM4Mg 21:25:07
- RT @AcademicsSay: To err is human. To err repeatedly is research. 21:26:17
- RT @xenzen: Thematische Dossiers in der Auskunftsarbeit: https://t.co/LUnfTahMj8 21:28:58
- RT @RickyPo: Reference as a category has split in two. Defining a New Content Type: The Exploratory Resource https://t.co/Yyq9CdwQnS 21:29:15
- RT @dehypotheses: .@karolinedoering: #Wissenschaftsblogs als #Publikationsorte – Ein noch zu wenig genutztes Potential? https://t.co/ZDqjWHqlL6 21:29:49
- RT @karolinedoering: […] Wissenschaftsbloggen ist eine viel tiefergreifende Erschütterung der Gewohn-&Gepflogenheiten im Wissenschaftsbetrieb als ich bisher dachte. 21:30:04
- RT @MeCookieMonster: #Cookies. Dat it. Bye! 22:10:37
- RT @qikipedia: Word of the day: ABBIOCCO (Italian) – drowsiness after eating a large meal 22:19:35
- RT @SpecGram: I personally believe we developed language because of our deep inner need to complain. —Jane Wagner 22:45:51
- 'nacht allerseits! 22:47:57