- 'morgen! 05:54:04
- #friday: switching off the alarm clock – and *not* setting it for the next day. 🙂 05:57:29
- talking about #fountainpens with my dad made me think about newton pens – and about which one I would choose … 🙂 https://t.co/E0XzQ9snTx 06:22:25
- RT @HerrDrKlaerer: This is why I love Gary Lineker. Only person on my timeline writing the umlaut in Müller. https://t.co/jbrynMww2u 06:34:51
- RT @leporelloatkthb: New blog post by Stephanie Krueger on #IATUL2017: https://t.co/Z5BqI3zvGp 07:58:09
- RT @colours_bot_wp: Lapis lazuli [hex:26619C, RGB:(38, 97, 156), HSV:(210°, 76%, 61%)] ( https://t.co/03b9LFSzTI ) https://t.co/X1eImSWgWW 08:05:35
- … *looks at the calendar* … *starts humming "allons enfants de la patriiiiie"* … 08:08:18
- "Man muss den Menschen vor allem nach seinen Lastern beurteilen. Tugenden können vorgetäuscht sein, Laster sind echt." (Klaus Klinski) 08:21:57
- #lasttweet via https://t.co/L4VYhltLO1 #zitate 08:22:10
- RT @ZBW_MediaTalk: Seine eigene #OpenAccess-Zeitschrift zusammenklicken… – hat das schon jemand ausprobiert? https://t.co/t02EV8II1R 09:29:45
- RT @fussballinguist: "Froome ist heute aus dem gelben Trikot gefahren worden." (@sportschau) – Ein nonagentives Zuckerstück für @AlexanderLasch #TdF 09:30:15
- I wouldn't have thought that one day I'd use the subject heading "London Central Meat Market". (for this book: https://t.co/I7tsR0NG8g.) 🙂 10:53:58
- cake by a friend on tuesday, macarons by a colleague today – lucky me! 😀 #yummy #crumbly #happy https://t.co/nw24EkUaNo 11:35:03
- RT @SarahEBond: Caption: Academics struggle to resist the lure of the internet whilst working at their daily writing goal of 1,000 words. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DEoZqWvWAAEYRqP.jpg 11:46:42
- RT @glupyan: Fonts have meanings. https://t.co/A78sArgY4k 11:47:30
- RT @SpraWiTwit: Podcast Manfred Kienpointner zu den Sprachen der Welt #linguistics #languages #sprachen #linguistik https://t.co/wQ7WYNvJKC 11:48:03
- allen schülern, lehrern, eltern und helfenden händen in #nrw schöne #sommerferien! 11:54:34
- RT @OxfordWords: The verb 'unfriend' is widely used these days due to social media, but it actually dates back to the 17th century. https://t.co/W0sQ3a2id4 12:22:12
- RT @physicistswife: Zwecks Jobfindung heute mal außerhalb der (Innen)Stadtgrenzen unterwegs – schöne Radtour bei dem Wetter. 🙂 #Münster #SchiffahrterDamm 13:25:15
- RT @tomgauld: ‘On the Bedside Table’ for@guardianreview. If you like this, you can preorder my new book here: https://t.co/uhtoPXfD3Q https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DEsIRUuXsAAHwhP.jpg 13:26:10
- "Warum es OK ist, #SciHub zu nutzen (obwohl es illegal ist)" https://t.co/LjeZTh8e0B 13:36:00
- RT @RLndggr: Kleine Orientierung im #OpenScience Space, siehe EU-Open Science Monitor https://t.co/SfMxUqoPDf #osc2017 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C7bjTTiW4AAOFzk.jpg 13:36:23
- "visual #context" https://t.co/fabkkEVH8K 13:37:36
- RT @ZBW_MediaTalk: Stichwort "Buchpräsentation"… 😀 Bis Montag! 😉 https://t.co/QtjC1bdoQJ 17:13:07
- RT @ASmallFiction: The wizard waved his hand. "Done. You'll never be sad again." "Will I be happy?" She asked. He shrugged. "Joy is a simpler magic than mine." 19:22:11
- RT @thiaru: "D-Lib Magazine will cease routine publication with this, our 265th issue." 🙁 The End of an Era https://t.co/VLybxOhgFe 19:23:07
- RT @Vole_Facts: After a big night out, voles can feel a little bit under the heather. https://t.co/8yJHDvfu1F 19:44:03
- RT @alaindebotton: One kind of good book leaves us asking: how did the author know that about me? 19:46:28
- RT @franceinfo: Quand l'armée française joue Daft Punk #14juillet https://t.co/4W3crCyoDT https://t.co/YZa7vyk5TB 19:50:15
- "#Libraries Out Loud" https://t.co/73Mhd6UAxP #community #literacy (via https://t.co/d9gbmFRoZF) 20:02:18
- für die sammlung #podcasts aus der #wissenschaft: "Zeit für Wissen" (ZfW) von der uni innsbruck: https://t.co/Vvm7jYn6sX & @zfw_podcast! 🙂 20:09:23
- English dept library, subject indexing, graphic design – and a cup of tea with colleagues. 🙂 #mydayatthelibrary 20:12:42
- RT @SpecGram: Special Forms of Rhetoric: Proof by Ignoring—A: What do you think about objection X? B: Don’t be silly. That’s not related to my topic. 21:01:11
- #aberryaday #everydayaberryday #weekendedition #luxury 🙂 https://t.co/6deweDtvMj 21:57:00
- RT @SoVeryBritish: "I might pop down later" – Translation: I'm currently covering myself in biscuit crumbs and will be doing so until bedtime 22:46:13
- RT @IlonaRiek: Notbetrieb in der Bibliothek im Haus der Niederlande ab dem 31.07. wegen dringender Bauarbeiten! https://t.co/TeBltEau1B 22:46:57
- RT @Lambo: Remix of catholic church and church of Apple (sunshade, top of picture). Reisen bildet! https://t.co/b3XhMvEdhg 22:48:47
- viel zu lesen in sachen #bibliothek: das heft 2.2017 der o-bib ist erschienen: https://t.co/mIsQ87wiMq #obib #vdb #journal 22:53:10
- #addon für #onenote: alphabetisches #register als notizbuch https://t.co/pivrtqDz8i 22:53:59
- RT @__Pumpkin___: Laut meinem Kontostand haben wir heute entweder den 42. Juli oder ich fliege bald aus dem Euro. 22:54:53
- RT @Richard_Kadrey: "Go back to bed. This doesn't concern you." https://t.co/53L15p5iXU 22:55:52
- 'nacht allerseits, und schönes wochenende! 22:58:05