- 'morgen! 05:51:30
- ich bin keins, aber ich mag das wort: "morgenmufflon". 🙂 [sebastian23: "hinfallen ist wie anlehnen, nur später" https://t.co/nrE7rl5Pk2] https://t.co/M6KioOFW17 05:54:53
- RT @SoVeryBritish: Responding to misplacing something by saying "I literally just had it" 06:26:37
- "following the #yikyak: #socialmedia observtns to understand #student #needs" https://t.co/1vLxnOMOW6 – seems to be sth like the jodel app. https://t.co/ARdiDuQhE9 07:39:04
- "#Kapitulation ja, #Resignation nie. #Optimismus ungern, #Zuversicht immer." (Hanns Dieter Hüsch) (vgl. z.b. https://t.co/hn3o0ay9oZ) 08:02:29
- #lasttweet gestern von einer kollegin gelernt. #optimismus #zuversicht 08:02:55
- #ohwhatabeautifulmorning at @WWU_Muenster #muenster #summer #rainbreak 🙂 https://t.co/36aanhRO74 08:26:10
- ui: im neuen handbuch zur #RVK wird unser münsteraner projekt erwähnt! 🙂 zum zitierten dokument: ulb.uni-muenster.de/rvk › „handreichung“ https://t.co/wzhl1XoDUH 09:01:43
- #lasttweet das #RVK-handbuch: Lorenz, B. (Hrsg.) (2017): Handbuch zur Regensburger Verbundklassifikation. 3., Aufl. https://t.co/wX5cGbzmnN 09:05:51
- RT @redackelteur: Konferenzen. Immer. https://t.co/eXfe5J9zdB 09:45:21
- professors offering one consultation hour per week 7 – 8 a.m. on a monday morning – that is, ehm, different. #academia 13:15:26
- RT @FHRoolfs: Sehr interessanter Blogartikel (samt Kommentaren) zu dieser Handschriftenseite: https://t.co/i3deJT6Uf6 13:59:00
- RT @physicistswife: Herrlich friedlicher Morgen im Kreuzgang. #Dom #Münster https://t.co/wd1XB3Pob7 13:59:20
- RT @ceptional: A comparison of journal management systems is needed. Would be a good project for a library sciences master's/PhD student. Can you help? 15:01:07
- RT @MicroSFF: "Beauty," the Beast said, "will you marry me?"
"Of course," I said. "To whom?"
"My fiance is, um… also a Beast."
"And love is love." 15:02:21 - RT @MicroSFF: ** (Sorry, dear translators, but this one does require the double meaning of 'marry' to work, I think.) ** 15:02:25
- RT @AcademiaObscura: What PhD Life is Really Like https://t.co/PH4WTCZfxA 15:11:42
- "not that kind of doctor" – #PhD #tshirt https://t.co/QcSdBJiMbp 🙂 (via https://t.co/ozLOplGCP4) 15:13:08
- RT @jesshopeevans: Saying 'that's less than ideal' when your life is falling apart @SoVeryBritish 15:43:59
- inter alia: certificates f students that passed the test for the german dept library audio tour ( https://t.co/VnhXfkmhud ) #mydayatthelibrary 15:47:55
- RT @FuzzyLeapfrog: Peer Review is broken on so many levels … https://t.co/8vXBqOsLhj 20:38:34
- RT @HerrDrKlaerer: The German word for 'to mansplain' ('herrklären') is one of those beautiful moments when the translation improves on the original. 20:40:32
- RT @dancohen: “I’ve got open tabs older than you, son." 21:30:44
- RT @SpecGram: For the benefit of anyone who is interested in drawing the distinction between a linguist and a philosopher. https://t.co/R1gowMBgN7 21:31:06
- RT @beispielwiese: Warum sollte ich Nietzsche lesen? Der liest mich doch auch nicht. 21:34:01
- RT @broderick: rt if u agree https://t.co/w1Ze1aBqsl 21:34:17
- RT @GioFrazzetto: Does anyone else see a hat or an elephant inside a snake? (Literary vision 😊) https://t.co/xQwnEhED6e 21:34:37
- "verstand, gefühl und starke frauen": #podcast von @swr2wissen zu #janeausten: https://t.co/K0iY578yFq #literatur #england 21:50:01
- 'nacht allerseits! 22:11:21