- 'morgen! 05:57:40
- aus der reihe "heute gelernt": ohne #gluten keine #hostien. #abendmahl #eucharistie #vatikan (taz vom 10.7.2017, seite 15) https://t.co/PyfFIBnKlV 06:17:05
- RT @SpecGram: Today is Franz Boas’s birthday—to celebrate, go embrace cultural and phonemic relativism! 06:30:16
- RT @SpecGram: Loony Latin—carpe noctem: nine fish; carpe diem—ten fish 06:31:13
- RT @tomgauld: Monuments to Great Writers with Connections to Our Town’ for @guardianreview (more here: https://t.co/JS9tixvqY0) 06:32:10
- RT @DerBuddler: Der Regen plätschert,
Perlt ab von der Sonnenmilch.
Sommer in Deutschland.
#sommerhaiku 06:33:56 - RT @Medium: "Emoji, Texting and Social Media: How Do They Impact Language?" by @librarycongress https://t.co/57y6ssYVzP 06:34:21
- RT @newsthump: "I invented the Internet"
"No you didn't"
"I can see through brick walls"
"No you can't"
"I own fourteen dinosaurs, all alive"
"Please stop" https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DEJB7Q_WAAAwnN2.jpg 06:38:05 - some might say that on saturday we have discovered the only useful purpose of an #oboe: holding the conductor's baton. 🙂 https://t.co/eJHE2yrA7v 06:41:48
- wer das #hunderteins ( https://t.co/wG247imzIG ) noch nicht kennt: @tiemanntv hats getestet. http://0cn.de/8tyg #yummy #muenster 🙂 https://t.co/bZabrj7bXE 06:42:42
- RT @SoVeryBritish: Concluding every project you've ever worked on by sighing and saying "it'll do" 06:42:57
- after that "have fun with trains" friday I am happy to be back on my bike today. 🙂 #cyclingtowork 07:46:11
- RT @OATage: Endlich da – auf der #oat17-Website ist ab sofort das (vorläufige) Tagungsprogramm einsehbar: https://t.co/lYr7mM7ZUK #openacces 08:53:45
- RT @OATage: Parallel zum Programm auch ganz frisch freigeschaltet: die #oat17-Konferenzanmeldung – https://t.co/kzPfF4SZWF #openaccess 08:53:49
- "Is a #library without #books still a library? Some thoughts on The Library as #space" https://t.co/j4FW0ybahS cc @oskarfagel 🙂 08:55:10
- "Informationsqualität" – CfP für InetBib-ODOK-tagung wien 2/2018: https://t.co/DqfmRJV2m9 #bibliothek #digitalisierung #vision #wirklichkeit 08:59:25
- RT @colours_bot_wp: Shadow blue [hex:778BA5, RGB:(119, 139, 165), HSV:(214°, 28%, 65%)] ( https://t.co/5m9kKsnHaN ) https://t.co/jAUQYZH7fW 09:06:57
- "Becoming a modifier" https://t.co/aYdL5M4mJd #linguistics #mathematics #names #modifier cc @leporelloatkthb 09:53:06
- RT @glaserti: TL;DR [Yes] https://t.co/yljbc8Cmxm 12:34:27
- RT @unkej: Wie man alte Bücher (u.a.) mit neuen Medien kombinieren und bewerben kann, zeigt @textundblog #socialmedia #bibliotheken #neuland https://twitter.com/textundblog/status/883180830536982528 12:35:52
- I borrowed it for a bit of #lunchbreak #reading. 🙂 https://t.co/YToGNOdiJ9 https://t.co/jl5OxpFDwl 13:18:12
- "at the #oxymoron museum" by @WrongHands1 https://t.co/pweK9lFs8B 🙂 13:55:54
- "#patterns" https://t.co/FV90pyYJb4 13:56:12
- #versaleszett: "#CSS mit scharfem S" https://t.co/TIB9I3O4Kz #ẞ #unicode #opentype #websites #ebooks #screenreader 15:46:57
- RT @SoVeryBritish: "I wasn't best pleased" – Translation: I had my fist clenched for about three days 15:49:42
- unit admin/managmt & documentation, RVK workng group report, acquisition, brainstorming abt course "Germanistik im Beruf" #mydayatthelibrary 17:53:49
- the #blog "#library stuff" is about to shut down. anything you want to tell its author @LibraryStuff? https://t.co/1yRM6wILo7 17:59:46
- RT @aqua666: Ich glaube ja, die Katze hat irgendwo ne Tasche ins Fell genäht, aus der sie spontan Katzenstreu verteilt.
Anders ist das nicht zu erklären. 17:59:52 - to whom it may concern in #muenster #mauritz: ab heute kanalbrücke m-v-richthofen-straße zu und linie 14 umgeleitet https://t.co/nozjRtw2cl 18:02:32
- RT @RedLady18056831: Du bist nicht gut, weil du auffällst. Du bist gut, wenn auffällt, dass du fehlst. 19:29:04
- the good deed for today: done. 🙂 #orchestra #rehearsal #preparation https://t.co/mzYSDEbgXK 19:31:08
- series "those who have orchestra collgs don't need other enemies": the sound from the trombone section rehearsal reminds me of toothache. :] 19:47:53
- series "can you gess the title from this snippet?" #erkennenSiediemelodie 🙂 https://t.co/94RdAapCh9 20:29:45
- series "options I'd like to have": "choose the color of the oboe reed binding". I'd go for grey or petrol … 🙂 https://t.co/of11u9ky9e 21:19:22
- … and this one? #guessthetitle #erkennenSiediemelodie 🙂 https://t.co/25roNLdgn4 21:37:15
- … rehearsal over — and the melody of this piece sticking in your ear for the rest of the week … 🙂 https://t.co/sVmrkc4Pzo 22:48:28
- #muenster #mauritz #kanal #bruecke #laererlandweg #baustelle #2019 https://t.co/jprNZ1GkVR 22:53:46
- 'nacht allerseits! 23:01:45