- 'morning! 06:54:51
- RT @FakeLibStats: 80% of librarians skipped at least one class in college in order to finish the novel they were reading for pleasure 07:21:52
- RT @martin_eve: US court grants Elsevier millions in damages from Sci-Hub https://t.co/f2uI54oZPK 07:22:22
- RT @AndrewBloch: World's most dangerous door discovered at Vauxhall tube.
via @paddyoclery https://t.co/RrR1SFiapE 07:23:14 - RT @AabisZoo: Unwetter in Norddeutschland, aber #Münster sitzt weiter auf dem trockenen. Dafür traumhafter … https://t.co/uw4NT8NLAv 07:24:47
- RT @EricGiesel: @ZDFheute https://t.co/ZVn9tYvaHA 07:26:50
- RT @iRightsinfo: Nach gescheiterter „DEAL“-Kartellbeschwerde: Hochschulrektorenpräsident sieht Verlage am Zug https://t.co/l0YbEzgTTJ 07:27:41
- RT @SpecGram: Today is Wilhelm von Humboldt’s birthday—to celebrate make contributions to the philosophy of language and study some Basque. 07:27:49
- my tasks for today: catch three trains and get me out of english-speaking mode. 🙂 #bozen https://t.co/2fj0wHNdjf 08:23:56
- what I have read on my way to #bozen — and what I will read on my way back home. 🙂 https://t.co/xcJsxloJGf 08:42:16
- #digitalhumanities #centre at @WWU_Muenster! 🙂 https://t.co/UkbBOfkQDH 09:14:39
- RT @Buchkolumne: Presse so: Wow, bei Amazon für nen Festbetrag so viele Bücher lesen, wie man will?! 😱
Bibliotheken so: Geschäftsmodell seit 200 Jahren. 😎 09:15:02 - RT @henningkrause: Und @brembs antwortet als erster auf die Lektüre-Frage mit "Podcasts". Da warte ich ja schon seit Monaten drauf … 😁 https://twitter.com/ballaschk/status/877780305318469632 09:15:23
- RT @FuzzyLeapfrog: "Is there such a thing as Un-Social Media?" #oai10 09:57:55
- RT @kerbi0709: Es ist doch immer wieder schön, mit Profis zu arbeiten 👍👍👍👍 https://t.co/J2c5O4bMrh 10:18:15
- first train on time. good start. 🙂 #bozen #muenster 1/3 10:53:15
- second train caught without any problems. 🙂 #bozen #muenster 2/2 14:37:12
- 2/3, that is, not 2/2. (hopefully only /3 …) 🙂 https://t.co/Ixk5Ak7JXp 15:10:11
- I don't know what is more soporific in #ICE622: the warmth or the slow wi-fi. (but there is wi-fi, at least.) 🙂 15:18:07
- RT @SpecGram: Student Pearls: Transformational grammar means that the two levels must be related. 16:01:36
- RT @tuersche: "Meinen Respekt muss man sich erst verdienen."
Echt? Meinen muss man erst mal verlieren. Aber das erklärt mir zumindest die Welt. 16:07:41 - feels like fever. #ICE622 #warm 16:27:03
- "emergency water" offered by deutsche bahn because air con not working in our wagon. thanx! https://t.co/WcVyhzeudB 16:44:44
- RT @MicroSFF: "I put hundreds of religious commandments into a machine-learning AI, but all it produces is 'be kind' and 'do no harm'."
"Is that wrong?" 17:44:58 - RT @FakeLibStats: 14% of the emails marked important that a librarian receives are about cake in the break room https://t.co/OvbSM1iDeA 17:45:30
- RT @FizzOtter: Have to say… Not a huge fan! 😀 https://t.co/2ynIRE7Nwi 17:45:50
- 2nd round of bottles given out, thanx for that. I am now one of those who can say "I was in one of the ICE wagons without aircon". :)#ICE622 17:53:23
- note for my next ICE journey: sunshade doesn't close completely » bring suncream to avoid burnt elbow. https://t.co/GRmdICPbaz 18:30:44
- RT @YouHadOneJ0B: When you're writing an essay and trying to hit that 500 word count. https://t.co/vjuEPVNpLK 18:32:57
- RT @DerBuddler: Punk ist nicht tot. Punk ist es nur zu warm und hängt ermattet im Büro vor dem Ventilator. 18:34:16
- RT @HaggardHawks: From the HH archives… Why do we say ELEVEN, and not ‘one-teen’? https://t.co/4dN1Gvc0ep https://t.co/Q3SwDjZ0i7 18:37:05
- "upcoming summer concerts" https://t.co/Yg3Tn1aNmm 🙂 18:55:29
- "some alternative voting systems" https://t.co/nYtOPjCMbw 🙂 19:02:52
- … tadaaa: caught the 3rd train! thanks to the fact that it was even more late than the 2nd. 🙂 #bozen #muenster 3/3 19:52:32
- sauna on the ICE, fridge on the RE. a bit of everything today! 🙂 #travellingbytrain #neverboring 20:41:02
- one of the miracles/secrets of @DB_Bahn: it's RE32550 on the ticket, but RE7 on the timetable & train. can be confusing esp for foreigners. 20:47:43
- RT @AabisZoo: Schon irgendwie schade, dass Petrus #Münster gestern vergessen hatte https://t.co/WqzQD2WMUs 21:32:12
- RT @SpecGram: Polyglot Insults: eshoon noor oodel chi vayeler; Armenian: “It’s not pretty watching a jackass try to eat a pomegranate”—clumsy 21:32:23
- next stop: münster central station! a delay of 20 mins for an 11hrs trip — I count that as "on time". 🙂 thanks to @db_bahn! #bozen #ms 21:36:12
- home, sweet home! #thankfull 21:54:24
- 😀 https://t.co/nEueTtl67G 22:36:29
- "271 jahre vor pantone": ein buch voller #farbe. https://t.co/QZ9qXarLGg 23:17:43
- from the series "there is a cheat sheet for everything": washing hands. https://t.co/p3WQo78MAv 🙂 23:23:03
- 'nacht allerseits, und schönes wochenende! 23:31:12