— viola voß (@v_i_o_l_a) February 18, 2020
Kennen Sie schon … den Twitter-Account @Sprache_Medien? https://t.co/lDkSU70fLd
— ULB_MS_FachInfo (@ULB_MS_FachInfo) February 18, 2020
Kennt ihr Open Knowledge Maps? Mit ihnen verschafft ihr euch einen Überblick über Forschungsfelder inkl. relevanten Papers. Am 4. März gibt's dazu einen Vortrag mit Workshop von Peter Kraker, Gründer der Open Knowledge Maps. Alle Infos hier: https://t.co/tU8NG8S6HI
Grafik: OKMaps pic.twitter.com/MFdcpHWkem— TU Graz Library and Archives (@bib_tugraz) February 17, 2020
Anfang Dezember 2019 fand der erste Austausch-Workshop zu #openaccess #monografienfonds auf nationaler Ebene statt. Den Bericht dazu könnt ihr auf unserer Seite nachlesen: https://t.co/n8SxUvjwjX Feel free to share and like 🙂
— oa2020-de (@oa2020de) February 10, 2020
The problem isn't that tenure is bad once you have it. It's that the chimera of future security stops young scholars from doing controversial* research.
For 20 years, you say to yourself: I can do that once I have tenure! But once you do, you're far too used to playing the game. https://t.co/rhzCygrxpJ
— Yascha Mounk (@Yascha_Mounk) February 18, 2020
There’s a German proverb for that: Knapp daneben ist auch vorbei. pic.twitter.com/xeE93ThvxM
— Christopher Bergmann (@isoglosse) February 17, 2020
„Wir brauchen die nicht.“ An Medien vorbei kommunizieren: @_FriedrichMerz spricht aus, was d Parteien längst versuchen, AfD vorneweg. Merz übersieht: Publikum der Parteienkanäle ist nur die eigene Fanbasis. Neue kriegen sie kaum. @chris_kret https://t.co/OON2nw8zAs
— Gábor Paál (@GaborPaal) February 17, 2020
That’s what followers are for: One of mine lives a stone’s throw from the building where the (neon?) sign not shown above went missing a while back. Now we know that the shop used to be a butcher’s and that ‘a while back’ was at least 13 years ago. Thanks, @die_christine! https://t.co/8q1lEFaTGE
— isoletters (@isoletters) February 17, 2020
Does the mug of tea
Cooling, forgotten, forlorn
Resent its drinker, who drinketh not?Or does it rejoice in extension
Minutes, hours added to existance?
Or days, weeks, mouldy monthsIs its purpose to be
Or to be drunk?I breathe the aroma
Feel the warmth
And drinkThank you
— Micro SF/F stories (@MicroSFF) February 17, 2020
Proposal for a new model of #transformativeagreements: A smooth transition from #subscriptions to #APCs – we see the need, c particularly the P&R model has unfavorable features regarding coordination costs, disruptive workflow adjustments, and timinghttps://t.co/o9zRZP6g3M #OA
— oa2020-de (@oa2020de) February 18, 2020
@fz_juelich schließt MoU mit @FrontiersIn ab: In den nächsten Monaten wird ein Rahmenvertrag verhandelt, dem alle @deal_projekt-berechtigten Einrichtungen beitreten können. Vereinfachte Workflows, rabattierte APCs, weltweit größte Gold OA-Vereinbarung. https://t.co/iXwExD82j4
— openbiblio.social/@bmittermaier (@BMittermaier) February 18, 2020
I am very happy to announce the publication of the @Code4Lib Journal issue #47: https://t.co/YMDt7y1HOq webscraping, persistent identifiers, bibliometric, authority control, electronic resource mgmt, Shiny, network viz, serverless, Islandora, IIIF and more!
— @kiru@openbiblio.social (@kiru) February 17, 2020
Willst Du mit mir gehen?*
[ ] Ja**
[ ] Nein***
[ ] Es kommt darauf an*****es handelt sich dabei lediglich um eine invitatio ad offerendum
**geschuldet wird Sorgfalt und kein Erfolg
***unwiderrufliches Gestaltungsrecht
****weitere Begründung substantiiert in Beilage anfügen— Ann Wältin (@Ann_Waeltin) February 18, 2020
New study: "[#LIS] faculty who have published in an #openaccess journal or are more knowledgeable about OA tend to be more convinced about the quality of OA publications and less apprehensive about OA publishing."https://t.co/11tFQmeBem
— Peter Suber (@petersuber@fediscience.org) (@petersuber) February 17, 2020
Paywalled. Always impressed by paywalled articles about the advantages of OA.
— Walt Crawford (@waltcrawford) February 17, 2020
Oh look! Another day, another alarmist article about UKRI's #OpenAccess policy review from @timeshighered https://t.co/O7zYIKSrK0 #OAbooks (1/?)
— Lucy Barnes (alittleroad@hcommons.social) (@alittleroad) February 17, 2020
Dear @nature,
Can you explain how you come to produce a ranking of the “best” universities based on how many papers are published in “top” journals, when you are signatories to @DORAssessment, one of whose fundamental principles is *not* to do this? https://t.co/JzQz42TzUW pic.twitter.com/EMFpG0TOYW
— Michael Merrifield (@AstroMikeMerri) February 17, 2020
"Suddenly, a shipment of 1,280 books arrives" https://t.co/F5zoMteSYt Kennt man ja 😉
— Tobias Zeumer – @vform@verweisungsform.de (@vform) February 18, 2020
.@floskelwolke (Bild) Hoffentlich nicht. Oder? Und ich gehe davon aus, dass sie mich auch nicht 'erwarten'. pic.twitter.com/CmW2w7va3L
— Oliver Gassner https://mastodon.social/@oliverg (@oliverg) February 18, 2020
Jeez, here's a super challenging statistical conundrum… It really takes some advanced mathematical reasoning to spot the problem here. Anyone? pic.twitter.com/3gOKcBAc1N
— David Madden (@davidjmadden) February 18, 2020
This week's freshly ground cartoon by @tomgauld. Find more at https://t.co/M2o5ypJndu pic.twitter.com/aDNUptUimF
— New Scientist (@newscientist) February 18, 2020
#OpenResearchKnowledgeGraph https://t.co/vHNNGeraNf
— viola voß (@v_i_o_l_a) February 18, 2020
#TIL: die redewendung "wie ein schwein ins uhrwerk schauen". französisches pendant: "comme une poule qui a trouvé un couteau". #phraseologie #parömiologie #pigcontent #chickencontent 🙂 [aus: arte magazin 2020.03:8.] pic.twitter.com/PA1vhOgcsh
— viola voß (@v_i_o_l_a) February 18, 2020
how can I automatically retrieve the ISSN of journals in #openrefine based on the journal title? Does anyone know of an interface that I can use? I only have an Excel with titles … #openaccess
— Ulrich Herb (@scinoptica) February 18, 2020