- 'morgen! 05:58:14
- RT @boslibrarian: Pearson CEO John Fallon is talking about using digital textbooks & apps used to directly manage the relationship between… 06:30:27
- RT @isoletters: Welcome to this summer’s #UmlautWeek – a tour through (parts of) Germany with typical and atypical umlauts along the way.… 06:32:48
- RT @LousyLibrarian: The evolution of library staff training:
Day-long retreats
Two-hour classes
Live webinars
Ten-minute YouTube videos
In… 06:33:45 - RT @isoletters: Must be a bakery thing to have umlaut marks that are not in the least ashamed of themselves (and why would they?). The lett… 06:34:50
- RT @isoletters: If you wondered what an ‘S’ looks like that could also be used as a slash, here is the answer: It looks, well, like a slash… 06:35:48
- RT @isoglosse: Saw Inknut Antiqua by @clauseggers (published at @googlefonts) in use today, took a closer look, found it to be a lovely typ… 06:36:29
- "Scientific Twitter: The flow of paleontological communication across a topic network" https://t.co/GjOT3zna8p… https://t.co/L5FkMF08xC 08:43:06
- RT @isoletters: One link between yesterday’s second sign and this one is the ‘r’ – a structure that some refer to as a French ‘r’. Another… 09:09:12
- #TIL: es gibt office-tastenkürzel-becher: https://t.co/4ZyFEBBwMs – vielleicht könnte man für bibliotheken mal über… https://t.co/mE8fvQIj1m 09:28:23
- "Seit drei Semestern gibt es an der Universität Mannheim keine #Anwesenheitspflicht mehr. […] Im Studienalltag hat… https://t.co/JG6rTtRI5f 09:34:05
- Fazit: "Das Wegfallen der [P]licht hat [den] Universitätsbetrieb weder grob verändert noch aktiv gestört. Die Leist… https://t.co/Q3y3RPmy6K in reply to v_i_o_l_a 09:35:20
- "Open Greek and Latin: Digital Humanities in an Open Collaboration with Pedagogy" https://t.co/IxrjrULS6Q ›… https://t.co/etMV2LZYMK 09:40:03
- #TIL: "SharedIt", i.e. "Springer Nature’s commitment to content sharing" https://t.co/oV06W7MSwA. hm, what would be… https://t.co/OPWvsK3Flg 11:53:27
- RT @esteinhauer: nebenamtliche "ein-mann-fakultät" in liechtenstein, an d man ausschließlich berufsbegleitend für gut 25.000 CHF einen dr.… 15:54:12
- RT @guidobaldine: #Archive sind übrigens keine verstaubten Kuriositätenkabinette.
Und auch keine Studierstuben für weltfremde Sonderlinge.… 15:59:31 - RT @Schplock: Das wirft ein völlig neues Licht auf pinke Spielzeugbaustellenfahrzeuge! https://t.co/RLCHHeoNQu 16:06:44
- RT @MicroSFF: The Lord of Shadows, Ruler of Pain, listened to his Orc Generals.
"So we are doomed?"
They grunted affirmatively.
"Then send… 16:07:18 - RT @ladida_lisa: #LinguisticTwitter eine Literaturfrage: Gibt es Forschung, die sich mit Genus-Sexus-Mismatches beschäftigt & dabei sowas w… 16:07:29
- RT @FakeLibStats: 14% of librarian-owned automobiles are held together by book tape and bumper stickers promoting reading 16:07:52
- RT @tubhh: Zeitschriftenartikel gesucht? https://t.co/ItPr985bvd https://t.co/dDbcrD83Ye 16:08:57
- RT @HeidiBaya: Statisticians understand the reproducibility crisis well and should play their part in #OpenScience.
We are currently tryin… 16:11:07
- a sign for @isoletters? 🙂 https://t.co/TZ3UjXCuzr 16:13:17
- RT @DerFlixxx: "Was? Du hast alle SCHOKOKEKSE aufgefuttert?" – NEUE "Glückskind"-Folge
Alle Folgen gibt's online hier: https://t.co/idHCgP… 16:13:59
- RT @carstenkessler: Fantastic story by @saranrapjs, reconstructing how a Queens train station closed in 1988 resurrected as a fake neighbor… 16:18:07
- RT @ASmallFiction: It had been a good life. There had been hardship, of course.
But mostly he remembered that there had also been joy.
Bo… 16:18:52
- RT @CAMONGHNE: "I tell my students, ‘When you get these jobs that you have been so brilliantly trained for, just remember that your real jo… 17:11:14
- RT @SPIEGELONLINE: Vor über 50 Jahren – kurz vor seinem Tod – gab der Philosoph Theodor W. Adorno dem SPIEGEL ein heute legendäres Intervie… 17:11:29
- RT @qikipedia: Research by University College London has found that people who eat dark chocolate are less likely to be depressed than thos… 17:12:04
- RT @Aaron__1988: @qikipedia Im normally more depressed when someone offers chocolate and it turns out to be dark. 17:12:06
- RT @SpecGram: Better silent than stupid. —German proverb 17:13:12
- RT @theferocity: “He licked his lips. ‘Well, if you want my opinion-‘
‘I don’t, ‘ She said. ‘I have my own.”
— Toni Morrison, BELOVED 17:13:29 - RT @verenalenes: Die Stadtbibliothek Linz sucht 2 BibliothekarInnen (Teilzeit) und ich lach noch immer über "einwandfreies Vorleben" 😀 ht… 20:51:26
- RT @fussballinguist: Out now: Unser Linguistik Online Sonderheft zu "Sprachliche Verfestigungen und sprachlich Verfestigtes" https://t.co/N… 20:52:01
- RT @EthicsInBricks: "Twitter is full of misattributed quotes."
– Diogenes https://t.co/EH4kWtavpZ 20:56:48 - RT @stadtbueduedorf: Hörtipp: "Bibliothek ohne Bücher – Die Zukunft der Wissensorte" – schöner Beitrag bei @wdr5 zur Veränderung der #Bibli… 20:57:20
- RT @Buecherei_MS: Bookbike on Tour! Morgen ist unser Bookbike ab 16 Uhr auf dem Flugzeugspielplatz an der Promenade anzutreffen. #stadtbüch… 20:57:49
- RT @visualisingdata: NEW POST: A collection of some of the best data visualisation content encountered during June 2019 https://t.co/16K2Kb… 20:58:11
- RT @bkaden: Column: #CassetteTapes are making a comeback. But it's about the culture, not the sound https://t.co/St3sKeEJ41 21:42:17
- 'nacht allerseits! 21:45:34