- 'morgen! 06:20:40
- ein wichtiger hinweis auf der inetbib-liste: auch bei adventskalendern wird oft die #barrierefreiheit im #webdesign… https://t.co/3Z7CSCBuOO 07:42:43
- RT @esteinhauer: "Die digitale Bildung in Europa unter besonderer Besrücksichtigung der Werke J. K Rowlings" … #symbolbild 🙂 https://t.c… 08:04:10
- RT @programmingsite: #program https://t.co/WJcbjWINYX 08:04:20
- RT @Polizei_nrw_ms: Der vierte Bereich ist #Autobahnpolizei #Münster. Unter anderem diese Kollegen sind zuständig für die #A1 zwischen Salz… 08:04:50
- RT @IATULorg: The Call for Papers is now open for the 2019 IATUL Conference in Perth! Full details on the website: https://t.co/anqeuuWJxT… 08:05:15
- RT @acka47: I am really happy that my initial request from March 2018 was directly discussed and resulted in a ver good solution for the c… 08:05:28
- RT @Pegerella: The man who invented autocorrect should burn in hello. 08:05:54
- RT @mjkls: Today my #IIIF based web-app https://t.co/YVKv8D8fzP was twice awarded in Germanys No.1 cultural data hackathon @codingdavinci –… 08:06:08
- RT @textundblog: Schön wer’s. RT @bjoerngrau: Ob es irgendwann mal möglich swin wird, TippfehlerinnTweets nachträglich zu korrigieren? 08:06:30
- RT @FHeimburger: A couple of hours of googling later, I have found a tool which does what I want: https://t.co/Nwu0DWLnmI is designed to wo… 08:06:55
- RT @florianaigner: Adventkalender für Physiker: Jeden Tag etwas vereinfachen oder wegkürzen, und zu Weihnachten hat man die fertige Formel.… 08:07:43
- RT @Snoopy: Dear Santa… https://t.co/qVlIp2J3Ws 08:08:21
- RT @hauckundbauer: https://t.co/VsJAo0CuEW 08:11:25
- RT @LWLArchivamt: #GNDCon Sachbegriffe i.d. GND https://t.co/IIVK3pgqWK 08:12:05
- RT @MicroSFF: "We have tried to sacrifice people to the gods."
"That didn't help."
"And we have tried to sacrifice gods to the people."
"Th… 08:12:52 - RT @halbgrieche: Also mal ehrlich, warum steht bei so vielen herzigen Tierbaby-Videos dabei "Schau das, wenn du einen schlechten Tag hast"?… 08:14:13
- guter tipp heute im "openadvent"-kalender vom @ebildungslabor: etherpads! https://t.co/QuDXhXmuKa #etherpad 08:40:33
- I herewith declare the Mandarinen season open. https://t.co/5Hw7L24aF5 12:00:45
- what a cool idea for a carpet! want one! 🙂 https://t.co/sKCXGs2OCM 15:08:18
- RT @qikipedia: 'The Joy of Waterboiling', a German-language guide to preparing meals using a kettle, won The Oddest Book Title of the Year… 15:37:59
- RT @LIBEReurope: #Reproducibility challenges: #technical obsolescence + normative dissonance -@VickySteeves #RDM #LIBERWebinar https://t.co… 15:38:40
- RT @LIBEReurope: #Reproducibility takes time and isn't always valued by the academic reward structure says @VickySteeves #LIBERWebinar #RDM… 15:38:47
- RT @LIBEReurope: Defining #reproducibility on a spectrum from the presentation of @VickySteeves during today's #LIBERWebinar #RDM https://t… 15:38:53
- ! https://t.co/RZZqR1Ms6b 15:39:53
- RT @TheFarSide_ish: #thefarside https://t.co/8g5vjUif0Q 15:40:24
- RT @hauckundbauer: https://t.co/tMMxxwWvqw 15:41:11
- RT @hauschke: Durchsuchbares Tweetarchiv zur #GNDCon:
https://t.co/OJsnWw1KU7Visualisierung des Twitternetzwerks:
https://t.co/f5UUXbw11b… 15:43:31 - RT @lexikoblog: Aller Zeiten https://t.co/HAL1gJmMaq 15:44:43
- RT @Number10cat: BREAKING: Theresa May adopts the Norway model… https://t.co/oJARPeONQ9 15:45:41
- RT @wawoodworth: santa: you wanted to see me
librarian: your list only has two classifications, naughty and nice
santa: so
librarian: it… 15:46:57 - RT @EvoMRI: @gndnet @TorstenHiltmann @SchJulzian @unierfurt2009 Ja, #Factgrid ist von Historikern für Historiker angedacht worden: https://… 15:48:08
- RT @lisafdavis: After years of development, we are very proud to launch the @MedievalAcademy Database of Medieval Digital Resources! So far… 15:48:47
- RT @LIBEReurope: Slides for today's #webinar on Reproducibility Librarianship in Practice https://t.co/LPD3aVMhHg #LIBERWebinar #RDM 16:39:45