- 'morgen! 06:03:39
- no exception to the rule: auch nach regensburg fährt man von münster aus via hamm. :)#unterwegs https://t.co/nCDlsP8LMh 07:13:05
- aus der reihe "städte, von denen man nur den bahnhof kennt" heute: kassel-wilhelmshöhe. 🙂 #unterwegs https://t.co/Xs6HypYdrJ 10:19:44
- im zug 3/3 richtung regensburg. jetzt kann nicht mehr allzu viel schiefgehen. und das wlan funktioniert. 🙂 #ICE91 #unterwegs 10:47:58
- ich hab heute nachmittag ein paar stunden zeit in #regensburg. aktuelle must-sees? 🙂 (dom, brücke und dreifaltigkeitsturm kenne ich schon.) 10:52:52
- interesting sticker on the macbook of the girl opposite of me on the train: @trust_the_girls /… https://t.co/5E1LeSXrZe 12:15:07
- RT @DerBuddler: Übrigens: Wenn Ihr versehentlich ein Fenster im Browser weggeklickt habt: Mit Drücken von Strg-Shift-T ist es wieder da. #S… 12:18:20
- RT @dasBogenfenster: Fürchtetee
#verschreiberDesTages 12:21:19 - hallo #regensburg! 🙂 https://t.co/Ni9wulnq6b 13:58:04
- this one goes to @unkej. #wurstkuchl #regensburg 🙂 https://t.co/PXHQ45Iz14 14:07:22
- klein, aber fein: die ausstellung im "besucherzentrum #weltkulturerbe" in #regensburg. https://t.co/uAcEZLh5Nc 14:32:58
- gute idee im "besucherzentrum weltkulturerbe" in #regensburg: weiterführende besichtigungsempfehlungen zum mitnehme… https://t.co/LhERrNO3hk 14:44:08
- eine interessante sammlung: das "kunstforum ostdeutsche galerie" in regensburg. (leider fotografieren nicht erlaubt… https://t.co/uwVPc3ePHE 15:34:16
- in der staatlichen bibliothek in #regensburg gibt es zzt eine kleine feine ausstellung zu luther & büchern/buchdruc… https://t.co/cUP7vY3Hby 17:26:35
- dieser laden ist noch genauso gefährl w vor 2 jahren, als ich d 1. mal da war. 🙂 https://t.co/VlKg4g7RjB… https://t.co/hNez44x08x 17:29:07
- auch das café prinzes ist noch so gefährlich — und lecker — wie vor zwei jahren. 🙂 #regensburg https://t.co/iOQgmIfZpi 18:44:00
- RT @hauschke: Unbelievable. 5 days ago I tweeted about https://t.co/wEWWrS5Va6 (as a Marx-related repo), now it's there, but marine-related… 22:25:48
- oh, da fehlte ein s. café prinzess muss es heißen. https://t.co/LXNfXM6C0J https://t.co/8tZZKDBqTH 23:04:11
- aus der reihe "woran man merkt, daß ein hotel schon etwas älter ist": an solchen fliesen und an den 3€ fürs wlan. 🙂 https://t.co/Yguuw5jlmF 23:09:22
- 'nacht allerseits! 23:13:32
Monat: November 2017
bookmark_bordertweets | 2017-11-06
- 'morgen! 06:22:29
- RT @KirsimarjaB: #Collective #tacit #knowledge is critical for #value creation and competitiveness. #MyOneScienceTweet 06:27:23
- RT @LileaPurrl: You can change your brain without drugs. You do it every day. #MyOneScienceTweet 06:28:05
- RT @janelfelice: Scientists can be mean and self- centered. Get out of the lab and learn how to talk to ppl. #MyOneScienceTweet 06:28:29
- RT @alex_speechie: Having a communication difficulty doesn't mean that a person has nothing to say #MyOneScienceTweet #SLT 06:28:42
- RT @johne326: Language use contributes to the production & reproduction of social realities, including social inequalities #MyOneScienceTwe… 06:29:02
- RT @estherogen: @kay_dominguez Linguistic variation is amoral, not immoral. #MyOneScienceTweet #linguistics
#enregisterment #sociolinguisti… 06:29:30 - RT @LucyDipper: Language is central to life. Language = words, phrases, sentences, discourse, communication & the rules underlying them. #M… 06:30:15
- RT @Neil_MacNeil: "I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something.” -Richard Feynman
#MyO… 06:30:43 - RT @ShruthiMohanNC: Accepting without questioning is unscientific. The primary question to ask is "Why?" #MyOneScienceTweet 06:31:05
- RT @VivatImperator: You can read literature scientifically, and this is much more rewarding than what you learned in English 101. #MyOneSci… 06:32:53
- RT @Kale_Noir: All maps lie. There is no one true accurate map that can be used for everything. #MyOneScienceTweet 06:33:52
- RT @leoba: You shouldn't wear white cotton gloves while working with medieval manuscripts #MyOneScienceTweet https://t.co/tlUrMo6L3G 06:34:11
- RT @JJEduOcean: "The plural of #anecdote is not #data" #MyOneScienceTweet 06:34:26
- in vier wochen ist #nikolaus. #servicetweet 🙂 07:40:44
- I herewith declare the Buff-Tuch-unterm-Fahrradhelm season open. #Herbst 07:46:48
- "Wenn ein unordentlicher Schreibtisch ein Zeichen für einen unordentl Verstand ist, wofür steht dann ein leerer Schreibtisch?" (A. Einstein) 07:59:02
- deswegen bevorzuge ich es, von einem *aufgeräumten* schreibtisch zu sprechen. 🙂
via ( https://t.co/L4VYhlcapr ) https://t.co/poE2sE8XIE 07:59:51 - I herewith declare the Strickjacken season open. #herbst 08:28:08
- RT @everycolorbot: 0x4c7ca1 https://t.co/HfrthZVB5g 08:31:52
- es gibt einige neuigkeiten in sachen #lotse (jetzt: ULB-münster-lotse): https://t.co/2fLbVGSZ9x #informationskompetenz #bibliothek 08:41:21
- "#BIBFRAME 2 suitable schema for exchng. & shar. descript. #metadata about bibl. resources?" https://t.co/RY8INcJzIG (leider #closedaccess) 08:48:45
- RT @esteinhauer: verändert sich schon wieder was? … https://t.co/OkOX4VploY 10:12:23
- RT @tazgezwitscher: „Wir raten dringend von der Lektüre dieser Verse ab.“ #Suhrkamp und Insel rufen Hesse-Werke zurück. Guten Morgen! https… 10:14:16
- RT @VerbingNouns: Indeed! May I recommend using https://t.co/9FTxcsLqpW to test all visual presentations beforehand? Good for 3 types of co… 10:14:54
- RT @esteinhauer: erleuchtung #nirwana https://t.co/gz8VGHmOAl 10:15:01
- RT @Mikel_Jollett: To anyone saying “thoughts and prayers” to the victims…they were in CHURCH.
They don’t need more prayers.
They need… 10:15:13 - RT @PhilosophyMttrs: Sisyphus on the internet https://t.co/kHLYkCnACr 10:16:03
- RT @PhilosophyMttrs: why are we here ? https://t.co/8uY0c8D2k4 10:16:37
- RT @SoVeryBritish: “I’m off to bed” – Translation: I’m off to stare at my phone in the dark 10:17:16
- RT @Medium: “Who gets to be called a mathematician?” by @fjmubeen https://t.co/S3nJmghOX9 10:20:07
- RT @NewYorker: To explain Zuzana Ruzickova would mean explaining how music is more than entertainment. https://t.co/Pf6lZyP3XC 10:20:17
- RT @scott_kerr: Still, the greatest tourism poster ever made https://t.co/t5qsWPMyur 10:20:32
- RT @Peculiar: The Chinese are building new libraries. Perhaps we could consider doing the same instead of underfunding them. https://t.co/G… 10:20:53
- RT @EmrgencyKittens: A box for every cat, and every cat in it's box! https://t.co/veSaCe0ZTf 10:21:11
- RT @ASmallFiction: "Anyone can fly! You only need a bit of fairy dust and a happy thought!"
"A happy thought?"
"That's right!"
"Oh. Well… 10:25:00 - RT @ItchyFeetComic: This week: Le Un-Français #french #languagelearning #falsefriends #falsefrench https://t.co/ZOdOHdMVzl 10:25:09
- RT @iamdevloper: 1969:
-what're you doing with that 2KB of RAM?
-sending people to the moon
-what're you doing with that 1.5GB of RA… 10:25:47 - RT @to_je: Protipp: Man kann Weihnachtseinkäufe auch schon vor dem 24.12. erledigen. Erfordert halt ein wenig Nachdenken, Planung und Vorra… 10:26:58
- RT @SLAhq: Put knowledge into practice! Expand the impact of your library or info center on your organization. Class starts Mon https://t.c… 10:32:56
- RT @brembs: Rewrote blog post to manuscript: "Prestigious science journals struggle to reach even average reliability" https://t.co/OGgv1jZ… 10:33:19
- RT @PhilosophyMttrs: Why no one wants to date a logician https://t.co/C4Y5vw4zuW 10:34:00
- RT @MicroSFF: "We want to farm you," the aliens said.
"Farm what?"
"The most precious thing there is: hope."
"We need that!"
"But you produ… 10:35:25 - RT @anneschuessler: Klaus, der Kloß, der thüringische Kuschelkloß aus hochwertigem Baumwoll. Ich habe jetzt alles gesehen. https://t.co/BIg… 10:35:40
- RT @19janaina04: Vielleicht habe ich 5 Minuten lang überlegt, was „Frei von der Gluten Hölle bedeutet“… https://t.co/xHaezyqthm 10:38:04
- RT @qikipedia: One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well. VIRGINIA WOOLF 10:39:46
- RT @plantypal: Best typo 2017 https://t.co/Bun6uc5Ahq 10:57:48
- RT @qikipedia: ‘Semantic satiation’ is repeating a word so often it sounds like nonsense. 11:44:10
- RT @aschaffrinna: Hip und cool oder Augenflimmern? DFB präsentiert neues Deutschland-Trikot https://t.co/c3XW0Inm81 https://t.co/YjU7yCm6RW 12:23:40
- RT @mimimibe: Immaterielle Insolvenzmasse: Wenn dein Werbeclaim dein Unternehmen überlebt und Popkultur wird. https://t.co/IO5aZiyjmX 12:47:19
- RT @muenster_de: Die Aufbauarbeiten im Rathausinnenhof für den #Weihnachtsmarkt haben begonnen. Ab 27. November ist Eröffnung: https://t.co… 14:27:26
- RT @radioschulz: •irtu•s! https://t.co/yQqCQoGo9D 14:28:14
- RT @MicroSFF: The aliens landed by the first intelligence they found.
"Take us to your leader."
"Leader?" the person said. "I have none. I… 14:28:26 - die #openaccess-#postkarten des #KOBV [@kobv_zt] sehen auch "in echt" gut aus. 🙂 https://t.co/b3HRoJbkgr danke für… https://t.co/yaGLmWQqq0 15:42:08
- RT @kobv_zt: Unsere Aktionspostkarten zur #OpenAccessWeek2017 #OAWeek17 gibt es #openaccess: https://t.co/Nwh206zUWT Bei Bedarf versenden… 15:42:24
- RT @kobv_zt: Wir freuen uns #OpenAccessDenken #OpenAccessLeben #OpenAccessBleiben https://t.co/qlt3wz57Sj 15:42:30
- #twitter #shortcuts #cheatsheet https://t.co/pCePB7pv4H 15:59:20
- "the #beginner's #guide to #IFTTT" https://t.co/mqWPFZw5I4 (via @echosdoc, https://t.co/Wgrr3Zxp2e) 16:19:06
- in der schönen reihe der checklisten der BIB-OPL-kommission ist nr. 40 erschienen: „#Coaching in und für #OPLs“ https://t.co/QIjK1wKOMQ 16:22:48
- "Can you be a #librarian without being an #openaccess #advocate?" asks @aarontay: https://t.co/hGmdqjgXBP 16:26:31
- "Understanding the #costs of #scholarly #publishing – Why we need a public data infrastructure of publishing costs" https://t.co/EM4fZxlwsJ 16:28:11
- #lasttweet via https://t.co/nlGq4uD2OI https://t.co/iIVyZaUR6U 16:28:24
- "4 New things about #GoogleScholar – UI, recommendations, and citation networks" by @aarontay: https://t.co/XL1ewR1t9u 16:30:32
- nimmt jemand aus meiner werten timeline auch am 2017er #RVK-#anwendertreffen am mittwoch in #regensburg teil? https://t.co/tn3HIlDtle 16:40:32
- RT @physicistswife: Stunning skies over #Muenster 🙂 #Lichtblicke2017 https://t.co/6b1wZ7HMDm 16:58:52
- RT @german_tutor: How to work out when when is wann, wenn or als? https://t.co/5QMFT9668d #learngerman 16:59:37
- RT @HaggardHawks: RESISTENTIALISM is the belief that inanimate objects can display malice or spitefulness towards humans. 18:33:02
- RT @SupersuMC: Me when my phone decides not to warn me of a low battery before it dies… And there we go again! https://t.co/Azrxbhk6xd 18:33:07
- RT @superlinguo: This @xkcdComic is going straight into my slide set about #lingdata management – highlights the challenge of persistent ac… 20:04:41
- RT @SoVeryBritish: From Very British Problems Volume 3
https://t.co/gjO1Gl5dPb https://t.co/mN8XOGuAhH 20:13:52 - RT @LangSciPress: New blog post: "Future of Language Science Press: your support required as we are hitting the home stretch" https://t.co/… 20:15:27
- RT @SoVeryBritish: Statements of British optimism:
1. At least it can’t get any worse
2. It’s not all bad
3. It might never happen
4. Suppo… 20:15:38 - RT @AcademiaObscura: Reviewer 2 strikes again. | https://t.co/Ri8TvBMjuE https://t.co/OlUaVxWFms 20:17:26
- poster "Time is on My Side? #Time in the #Library #Workplace" https://t.co/9gCjjCn5bN 20:28:03
- RT @rotula: Das wohl spannendste Ende eines akademischen Vorworts, das mir je untergekommen ist. https://t.co/P9ljKl3Wty 21:06:55
- RT @SpecGram: IANMTU: IANMTU stands for “I am not making this up.” 21:24:41
- RT @tschfflr: The many perils of interdisciplinarity. 21:24:51
- #technikeristinformiert – die ganze geschichte: https://t.co/z6L9mxJb6X 🙂 (via https://t.co/qKvb2HRWDZ) 21:31:28
- RT @MT20323813: Twitter
00.00 -5.00
👤 👥 👤
6.00 -10
10 – 19
19 – 22
Ab22… 21:33:43 - #lastretweet via @textundblog, https://t.co/p59ztFHY3x 🙂 21:34:01
- gänsefüßchen und anderes komisches satzzeichenzeugs: https://t.co/XfQEZqNXDj #typographie #interpunktion #basics (v https://t.co/k8t7KzLl2E) 21:35:54
- RT @SoVeryBritish: “I don’t like tea”
“Get out of my house” 21:39:40 - interesting question: "the #tattoo as a #document"? https://t.co/lBHwqgEB1Z [closed access :(] 21:41:36
- "nettelkönning": plattdeutsche online-zeitschrift aus der münsteraner germanistik! https://t.co/9wnYDEKl15 (via https://t.co/2vAFqF7xwq) 21:43:19
- #animalcontent: "Ich werde über diese Merkwürdigkeit noch etwas drucken lassen – Tiermeldungen aus 2 Jahrtausenden" https://t.co/k9Gg1NdNDg 22:05:33
- RT @betulland: Life finds a way. #MyOneScienceTweet 22:29:47
- RT @MortenElsoe: There are no healthy or unhealthy foods. It always depends on two things:
1. Amount
2. Context
#MyOneScienceTweet 22:30:03 - RT @SociolingM: The way you talk might reveal something about your social class but it says nothing about your intellect #MyOneScienceTweet… 22:30:08
- RT @AB_Ellis: Girls are just as good at math as boys. #MyOneScienceTweet 22:30:18
- RT @pritchardmr: Those 'small talk' stories from your weekend? Your brain works really *really* hard to produce 'em #MyOneScienceTweet #dis… 22:30:50
- 'nacht allerseits! 22:31:16
bookmark_borderwas schön war | kw 2017.44
der hashtag #MyOneScienceTweet.
zwei feiertage mitten in der woche. 🙂
vier anstrengende, aber tolle café-intact-konzerte in albachten. (siehe dazu diverse tweets in den letzten tagen oder die facebook-seiten zu café intact und zur bläservereinigung.)
bookmark_bordertweets | 2017-11-05
- "the day after": concert hall cleared up. time to say goodbye to café intact 2017. 🙂 https://t.co/qT6E1TBVvG https://t.co/NEIrWQJ7fn 18:56:51
bookmark_bordertweets | 2017-11-04
- "the last night of the pr-, ehm, café intact"! #concert #series #final #derniere #excited 🙂 https://t.co/jpZL11WKhh https://t.co/k1DBkiUv6D 17:31:05
- four concerts — four great evenings with a terrific finale. a huge thankyou to our audiences and all helping hands! https://t.co/Y8DJIz0xJy 03:42:26
bookmark_bordertweets | 2017-11-03
- 'morgen! 06:06:09
- today it's fountain pen day! 🙂 https://t.co/Tk1frOEGNl #FountainPenDay2017 #fountainpen #handwriting #celebrate 08:01:07
- "truth, justice & the librarian’s way." https://t.co/ivEtv9ECkA #powerofextremists #criticalthinking 08:04:44
- RT @colours_bot_wp: Banana yellow [hex:FFE135, RGB:(255, 225, 53), HSV:(51°, 79%, 100%)] ( https://t.co/Kvur2ZBbin ) https://t.co/YZ6bT3jJEe 08:05:29
- RT @qikipedia: Zischeln is a useful German verb meaning ‘to whisper angrily’. 08:35:12
- RT @XanderBernstein: If you want to understand anything about the world, understand yourself first.
#MyOneScienceTweet 09:01:28 - RT @drmichellelarue: Polar bears don’t live in Antarctica
Polar bears don’t live in Antarctica
Polar bears don’t live in Antarctica
#MyOneS… 09:01:37 - RT @FreyaWeigel: @EntoLudwick In the Middle Ages, singing turned brutal fighters into real gentlemen. #Minnesang #MyOneScienceTweet 09:01:50
- RT @bast_jief: We have enough scientific knowledge to feed everyone, stop climate change and avoid the 6th massive extinction #MyOneScienc… 09:02:05
- RT @Maximeloose: I'm really sorry, but general intelligence is the best predictor of job performance & many more important 'life' outcomes… 09:02:48
- RT @pouya_ahmadian: The main functionality of the brain is predicting it's environment.
#MyOneScienceTweet 09:02:54 - RT @aphasiologist1: #MyOneScienceTweet https://t.co/92yD6bdW9z 09:03:25
- RT @ttasovac: “It’s not in the dictionary” is the lamest argument in a dispute over words. Love your dictionary without fetishizing it #myo… 09:05:42
- RT @chopeh: About the false velocity of “quick fixes”. https://t.co/91jauLyEJ3 11:25:20
- RT @ojahnn: feeling called out by my friday reading (Levin & Rappaport Hovav 2011), I'm working on it okay https://t.co/8H7fozImZw 11:43:59
- RT @Helena_LB: Scientists did NOT "find the gene that causes [disease/condition]". They might have found a genetic ERROR that causes it. #M… 11:58:08
- RT @KhansaHareem: Me: Oh lets post something smart for #MyOneScienceTweet
Intellectual Me: MITOCHONDRIA IS THE POWER HOUSE OF THE CELL! 11:58:21 - RT @FishConGen: @helsinkiuni Preserving genetic diversity is important as g.d. is needed to allow populations to adapt to future environmen… 11:58:31
- RT @TeresaSchubert: Most dyslexia is NOT mirror-reversing letters (b/d); very few dyslexia subtypes involve mistaking one letter for anothe… 11:58:46
- RT @MathieuC_MtgHS: Quantum mechanics is both a lot weirder and a lot more exciting than actual magic.
#MyOneScienceTweet 11:58:53 - RT @jamesgarside_: A cup of tea solves everything. #MyOneScienceTweet 11:58:57
- RT @LinaEngelen: Let children play – a lot! Not just because it's fun, but because it makes them healthier, smarter and more social. #MyOne… 11:59:49
- RT @brittandbone: It's never too late to become a scientist. #MyOneScienceTweet 11:59:54
- RT @Anna_Dechant: What appears to be natural in social interactions is influenced by social norms #myonesciencetweet 12:00:01
- RT @terosievanen: To see the smallest building blocks of life, you`ll need a microscope. To understand, you`ll need coffee. #myOneScienceTw… 12:00:06
- RT @haspelmath: Beautiful linguistics posters to decorate your office or hallway https://t.co/t58TRkcEy5 12:11:24
- RT @RedTRaccoon: I honestly want to thank all my followers from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you for the support!
Now excuse me as I bea… 13:14:42 - RT @BBCEarth: When there's free cake in the office 🍰
#BluePlanet2 https://t.co/lOhhTw2zQg 13:15:41 - RT @RedTRaccoon: #HowToBePopularIn4Words
Lead rather than follow https://t.co/B5BP2lMtPY 13:17:39 - RT @alighterview: #HowToBePopularIn4Words
Never forget your friends 13:19:50 - RT @jayvanbavel: Why do people leave academia? It's NOT due to the reasons we obsess about on twitter (via @PsyBrief) | https://t.co/4FZiNG… 13:20:29
- RT @piotrr70: In december, https://t.co/taLxePVbrW will be named OpenEdition Journals https://t.co/LAbkIYPSqa 13:21:12
- RT @AcademicsSay: Things I love: lists, the Oxford Comma and irony 13:21:38
- RT @tullney: Denken – Prüfen – Einreichen: Journalqualität beurteilen. Ich habe @thinkchecksub ins Deutsche übersetzt:
https://t.co/XdpBtOx… 13:21:45 - RT @LousyLibrarian: Time for the question of how soon after Halloween one may start the festive arguing over whether Xmas decorations belon… 14:06:39
- "slices of life" https://t.co/Ualc2h5Lzw 16:23:20
- here we go again: 3rd of 4 concerts tonight. here a backstage view of a part of the non-wind department. 🙂 https://t.co/hgUG5mMuS3 18:06:21
bookmark_bordertweets | 2017-11-02
- 'morgen! 05:59:44
- series "world championships for everything", today: classic #tetris! https://t.co/AAnGVM5sAb 🙂 06:17:50
- heute ist donnerstag. #servicetweet 06:18:10
- RT @alecia_bruns: All things are made up of chemicals, so saying "chemicals are toxic" means literally everything is toxic. Including you.… 06:21:23
- RT @shollyg: Darwin’s theory of evolution describes the origin of species, not the origin of life. #MyOneScienceTweet https://t.co/7kLQHfzK… 06:21:31
- RT @Kdaniel33: To a scientist, “theory” = fact. The not-yet-proven thing you’re thinking of is called “hypothesis”. #MyOneScienceTweet 06:21:47
- RT @colours_bot_wp: Payne's grey [hex:536878, RGB:(83, 104, 120), HSV:(206°, 31%, 47%)] ( https://t.co/AjZBLkuOch ) https://t.co/XD4hyYYD1c 08:06:48
- "Plans to promote German research excellence come under fire" https://t.co/zswFPwCKnt (via https://t.co/MU2TQJQwqL) #exzellenzinitiative 10:59:36
- "#twitter in der #wissenschaft: #anleitung für #einsteiger" von
@SusanneGeu: https://t.co/qNrvCERv6v (via https://t.co/MU2TQJyVzd) 11:01:29 - RT @Lambo: "Gatekeeper?" Srsly? Logo eines Markenprodukts für Medienkompetenz (!) an Schulen, liegt hier überall beim #tdmnds17 aus
#selbs… 12:47:27 - RT @Mareike2405: Ein Buch aus jedem Land der Welt lesen – in einem Jahr! https://t.co/mgvPaLMnMR 12:48:41
- RT @anacrolix: Don't skip maths. #MyOneScienceTweet 12:49:52
- RT @ReTweetAbleMike: Wow. Completely humbled. Thanks folks at IFL! #MyOneScienceTweet Brilliant idea @EntoLudwick, thank you so much! https… 12:51:27
- RT @maddylan_: Not all mathematicians are good at counting, or adding, or any kind of mental arithmetic #MyOneScienceTweet https://t.co/SC4… 12:51:41
- RT @Quasilocal: Mathematics is a huge and wonderful field of research; not just a tool for other fields #MyOneScienceTweet https://t.co/cZH… 12:52:00
- RT @jadegoodall_: Correlation is not causation and data isn't the plural of anectdot #MyOneScienceTweet 12:52:14
- RT @Astro_MiguelM: Retour sur #GW170817 et la #kilonova : le grand mublic se demande légitimement "Mais à quoi ça nous sert ?" #inutile (1/… 12:53:52
- RT @OliBerne: @Astro_MiguelM Et surtout peu importe que ça ne serve à rien. Faire "des choses qui ne servent à rien" c'est ce qui nous rend… 12:54:02
- RT @OliBerne: @Astro_MiguelM Personne ne demande à quoi sert l'amour, mais si ça n'existait pas on se ferait chier. L'astrophysique c'est p… 12:54:05
- RT @BotCaroline: @OliBerne @Astro_MiguelM « Science is like sex, it can produce something but that’s not why you do it » 12:54:13
- RT @HerrMosekund: Wörter, die der deutschen Sprache fehlen: Mutanfall 12:55:26
- RT @LSEImpactBlog: How do students access the resources they need? Survey finds only one in five obtain all resources legally. https://t.co… 13:28:47
- RT @adeppe_UB: "Ein kluger Mann macht nicht alle Fehler selbst. Er gibt auch anderen eine Chance." #failnight 7.11 @presseunikassel https:/… 14:03:44
- RT @DRG_physics: When shooting communications lasers between mountain tops, you'd think birds would get in the way more than kangaroos do,… 14:43:05
- RT @eliseakramer: Language is simultaneously a lot messier and a lot more systematic than you think it is. https://t.co/Fn15jvKVcD 14:43:53
- im neusten #wortgeflecht kümmert sich @tiemannTV um die redewendung "im #dreieck springen": https://t.co/26gfrSdZGz #podcast #sprache 14:53:21
- "neither of them smiles all the time." https://t.co/KcBad2iBah #howseriouslytaken #howcomplicated #genius #difficult 14:58:19
- da @aeb44225 nach unseren #webquests fragte: dabei handelt es sich um selbstlern-einheiten zum wissensch. arbeiten.
https://t.co/nTeyOgIgNq 15:03:02 - RT @thinkchecksub: #thinkchecksubmit is now available in German (and 23 other languages)! https://t.co/ohs9bQDDSS 15:10:51
- RT @OATage: Die #oat17 sind unlängst vorbei. Die #Slides sind peu a peu – im Programm verlinkt – auf @ZENODO_ORG publiziert: https://t.co/K… 15:12:27
- RT @SachaJones93: Science is just theories. But they're theories based on evidence so if you want to disprove it, you also need evidence #m… 15:12:44
- RT @EvaHourihan: Knowledge organization systems represent a perspective and not a 1:1 correspondence with reality. #MyOneScienceTweet 15:13:07
- "17 #German #Words with #no #English #translation" https://t.co/ac0AO0TNTm 🙂 (via @XenGuides, https://t.co/4vGvFHtG0l) 16:15:16
- welcome on board: IATUL has joined twitter! @IATULorg #libraries #association #organisation #conferences #meetings #exchange 16:28:19
- RT @arikkershenbaum: @EntoLudwick Animals talk to each other all the time, and talk about loads of different stuff. We aren't that special!… 16:35:25
- nächste woche gehts nach #regensburg zum #RVK-#anwendertreffen #2017. ich stelle die münsteraner aktivitäten vor. :… https://t.co/xSaejd2U7o 17:07:19
- and now: third (and hopefully last) round of "concert handicraft". 🙂 https://t.co/jpZL11WKhh #bva #cafeintaact https://t.co/iKfednFXHP 20:18:04
- RT @hauschke: Why is there no preprint repository for philosophy, economics, and political science called https://t.co/wEWWrS5Va6? 22:30:27
- RT @recessladyrants: 3rd grader: “Did you know that if you ask Siri something at 3am she comes out and stabs you?” 21st century urban myths. 22:30:52
- RT @jplie: https://t.co/ArDS1fVVJC https://t.co/qX8JOlbz0l #netbib 22:31:19
- RT @tzeic: There is no grammar and no language. Those are kenotaphs to address the conceived tendency of human communication to conventiona… 22:31:48
- RT @buechereiwien: Weihnachtskekse isst man ja bekanntlich primär wegen ihrer gesundheitlichen Benefits^^ https://t.co/lwwEBF4ulV 22:33:02
- RT @BagelTiger: And costume of the year goes to https://t.co/IPvAdDY0UP 22:34:30
- RT @FakeLibStats: 98% of librarians move things just to just confuse patrons 22:35:18
- RT @Jeffrey_Beall: Many Academics Are Eager to Publish in Worthless Journals [Newspaper article] https://t.co/3wNKJh3HXk #OA 22:36:29
- RT @ZBW_MediaTalk: Conference Paper: “Crowdsourcing the Dewey Decimal Classification: When Users Become Contributors” https://t.co/aqyRVz4H… 22:37:17
- RT @AcademicsSay: Don't believe everything you cite. 22:37:39
- RT @WWU_Muenster: What is more important? Knowledge or life? The new image film of the #WWU_Muenster helps to decide: https://t.co/KhZjpBZ… 22:37:47
- RT @MissJonesTravel: #Mittelalter: Die Typologie des #Einhorns https://t.co/p5288zZaSo 22:38:17
- RT @qikipedia: 40 squirrels spent 10 months training for and shooting one scene in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
https://t.co/8txHAS3e… 22:38:58 - 'nacht allerseits! 22:41:27
bookmark_bordertweets | 2017-11-01
- 'morgen! 11:28:11
- RT @ZBW_MediaTalk: Seven Summarization Tools for Students https://t.co/eCjsOL9y3C https://t.co/eb5Tj93AlL 14:31:28
- RT @UoYITServices: To celebrate the Women in IT excellence awards we’ve started a series of blogs about our “Women in IT” #womeninIT https:… 14:31:49
- RT @Shiny1jux: *Thema Datenschutz in der Vorlesung*
Studentin: "Ich bin da ganz offen, sollen die ruhig alles wissen."
Prof.: "Ich habe auc… 14:32:30 - RT @ZBW_MediaTalk: Gartner: Die Top 10 Technologie Trends 2018 https://t.co/yuNTnEQlto https://t.co/8yarsYAI50 14:33:39
- RT @bkaden: Wow. Manches ändert sich offenbar nie.
Kommentar zu #Thalia: Traditionshaus mit Mafia-Methoden https://t.co/v095fVHcib
#Buch… 14:33:59 - RT @DerFlixxx: "Früher dachte ich, dass früher alles besser war." – NEUE "Glückskind"-Folge.
Alle Folgen hier: https://t.co/idHCgPS8xf htt… 14:34:13 - RT @vanschneider: Dieter Rams 10 Principles of Design, *Updated Edition 2017 https://t.co/iWdJBDJiUR 14:34:39
- #pandoc #document #converter https://t.co/fZ3OSE6maO 14:37:39
- RT @TefoMohapi: What would it look like if we put warnings on IoT devices like we do on cigarette packets?
https://t.co/LBoLGnWYF2 https:/… 14:38:13 - RT @SunDancerGE: Queen "Bohemian Rhapsody" on Fingerstyle by Fabio Lima https://t.co/qwcAU58SBW Guten Morgen Metalheads… *das* ist Kunst.… 14:45:31
- RT @SoloSLA: Some great questions to ask indeed… "Do I really need to hold this meeting?" "What is the goal?" "Who really needs to be at… 14:46:07
- RT @ASmallFiction: The ghosts went trick-or-treating
'round the cemetery trails.
But while living kids sought candy,
all the dead just t… 14:48:01 - RT @Schisslaweng: Mumienkostüme kamen cooler rüber, als noch keine Blumen auf dem Klopapier waren. 14:48:46
- RT @FuzzyLeapfrog: "Male Engineering Student Pens Letter Explaining Why Female Classmates Aren’t His Equals" https://t.co/67ZSbJwei5 A nice… 14:49:13
- RT @qikipedia: The ghosts in Pacman are called Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde 14:49:50
- RT @IT_Fettchen: Projektzitat:
„Es liegt nicht am Tool, sondern an den Prozessen.“
Das hätte ich gerne auf Marmor graviert auf einem Geden… 14:50:23 - RT @WirSindGruen: Im EC Richtung Prag merkt man wie weit wir in Deutschland in Punkten der Digitalisierung hinterher hinken. https://t.co/M… 14:51:16
- RT @SpecGram: Autodescriptive Linguistic Terms: This is a deictic… and that, and these, and those, too. 14:52:19
- RT @RobTemple101: Very British Problems at Halloween
(as seen in @Telegraph) https://t.co/o7lkFqSruY 14:56:02 - RT @nemissimo: Naja, teuer ist nicht die Ausleihe, sondern die nichtfristgerechte Rückgabe: kleiner Unterschied … https://t.co/eH6EzW4pCn 14:56:37
- RT @tzeic: Herbert Wolfs germanistisches Buch "Martin Luther" ist der ideale sprachwissenschaftlich geflavorte Begleiter um dem Verursacher… 14:57:43
- RT @SoVeryBritish: *approaches shop counter*
Don’t say it don’t say it don’t say it don’t say it don’t
*arrives at shop counter*
“JUST… 14:58:43 - RT @o2r_project: New blog post on o2r reference implementation: https://t.co/kg4hSE0ele multi-platform demo thanks to @Docker #tryit #opens… 14:59:18
- RT @SoVeryBritish: Finding it impossible to write an email that doesn’t include the words “just wondering” 15:00:14
- RT @HWarlow: Medieval Humour here. https://t.co/O8gBbVEABK 15:00:51
- hm. is it really? https://t.co/PiEfNca1zo 15:01:21
- RT @DrPhiloponus: Warum gibt es eigentlich keine intellektuellen Fitness-Armbänder?
"Sie müssen heute noch zwei Stunden lesen". 15:01:44 - RT @xkcdComic: Digital Resource Lifespan https://t.co/v0zRGykijv https://t.co/xdIq2OLfk6 https://t.co/nbaSmk66AI 15:03:03
- RT @ankegroener: Die Show ist mir egal, aber der Verriss ist hübsch: „You need a PhD in advanced quantum pointlessness.“ https://t.co/CL4Si… 15:05:09
- RT @malomalo: Die ICE-Namensdiskussion, aber als Theaterstück von Yasmina Reza. 15:08:17
- RT @katjaberlin: wer in wahrheit hinter meinen tweets steckt. https://t.co/PYWkKcqLYl 15:08:45
- RT @newscientist: 🖌 @tomgauld https://t.co/ff1ehc3Jbm 15:10:00
- RT @DrDavidHulme: Cambridge Study: Body Prioritizes Brain Over Muscles During Exercise https://t.co/No0fxWlcjA #twitter https://t.co/WR3LIz… 16:48:12
- RT @nin17954: Never mind Hallowe’en, it’s #Reformationday #Reformationstag! Just a minor dilemma – whether to eat or keep my Pasta Martin L… 16:49:36
- RT @nybooks: It’s been 500 years since Martin Luther glued, or maybe waxed, his theses to the church door (nails were expensive) https://t.… 16:53:00
- "what the explorers were looking for" https://t.co/qdk6ZU5qAo 16:59:30
- "Is there a practical limit to how much can fit in #Unicode?" https://t.co/CLqrhkgGVN #emoji #hanzi #kanji #hanja #characters 17:08:05
- RT @NeinQuarterly: A gentle reminder from November. That every month is the cruelest. 18:21:10
- aus der reihe "spiele für sprachwissenschaftler" heute: "die 5 alphabete" https://t.co/UEPCZpp5gm [über die bez. könnte man diskutieren. :)] 19:24:32
- RT @UB_TU_Berlin: Dank dieser Pausenscheibe in drei Akten starten wir heute mit frischer #Motivation in den November!
#Fundstück #TUBerlin… 20:12:21 - RT @nemissimo: Nebenbei: Originelle Silbentrennung … https://t.co/YXknismTKP 20:12:25
- RT @AabisZoo: #VitaMorphose in der Lamberti-Kirche zu #Münster. Eine multisensuale Kunstinstallation mit… https://t.co/Iyz9wevkld 20:52:36
- RT @Snoopy: Can we press ⏸ ? https://t.co/UaO2CziTVc 20:52:45
- RT @SoVeryBritish: Meanings of "I'm fine"
1. I'm fine
2. I've never been so cross
3. My whole life has collapsed 20:52:58 - RT @AcademicsSay: #AcademicHalloween https://t.co/dCQAg1X69w 20:53:11
- RT @ah__cl: Meanings are like living beings. They mutate, live and die. And as they morph they change our world. #linguistics #MyOneScience… 20:53:35
- RT @margaretsylvia: Libraries aren't about books, they are about the selection, organization, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge.… 20:53:47
- RT @vrandezo: The value in formalizing knowledge lies not in its truthfulness, but in the shared understanding and commitment.
#myOneScien… 20:53:54 - RT @ObliObla: Absolutely everything can and will fail, the only questions are when and how. #MyOneScienceTweet https://t.co/8Ya0NZJpux 20:58:07
- RT @ChiThinkJour: #MyOneScienceTweet the eyes don't recieve information. They receive photons. All we understand as reality, is what the br… 20:58:19
- RT @cKei_Dji01: Que vous ne perceviez pas l'apport immédiat d'un domaine de recherche ne signifie pas qu'il n'en aura pas à long terme #MyO… 20:58:44
- RT @Thomas_Clements: Octopus don't have any tentacles. 0. Not one. They have 8 arms. 🐙
Squid and cuttlefish have 8 arms AND 2 tentacles.… 20:59:00 - RT @mindfulpsychmd: Seeing me (psych) doesn’t mean you’re broken or not a competent person. It’s okay to get help #MyOneScienceTweet 20:59:25
- RT @DaleKedwards: Medieval people didn't think the world was flat #MyOneScienceTweet #screamingintothevoid https://t.co/m26GJngzQC 21:59:20
- RT @EvoPhD: Science and religion are different ways of viewing the world. Regardless of beliefs all people need Science literacy. #MyOneSci… 21:59:24
- RT @MicroSFF: "I can not tell," the killer robot said, "with 100% certainty who to kill."
"75% is good enough," the general said.
"Target i… 22:10:07 - RT @Ursel_aus_Mais: An Harry Potter finde ich unrealistisch, dass er in der ganzen Zeit nicht ein mal seine Brille putzen muss.
Die Brille… 22:10:19 - RT @blume_bob: Rehformation. https://t.co/6qJcAjQwdd 22:11:18
- RT @vertigopostdoc: Science is not just for white, abled, cis-gender, straight men. Diversity & inclusion are crucial to advancing knowledg… 22:13:28
- RT @PenguinGalaxy: #MyOneScienceTweet Science is an evolving, collaborative process, not a set of facts. & everyone should have access to t… 22:13:34
- RT @AliceRGaby: Every one of the world's 7000+ languages is an ingenious (& complex) response to the needs and interests of its speakers. #… 22:14:04
- RT @cMadan: People aren't rational. Memories, decisions, perceptions of reality are all biased–important to acknowledge these biases.#MyOn… 22:14:57
- RT @mikamckinnon: #MyOneScienceTweet: Everyone is curious; sometimes you just need to give them permission to be excited. 22:15:37
- RT @logicians: Logic isn’t what celebrity atheists and internet libertarians think it is.
#MyOneScienceTweet 22:17:56 - RT @mattwilkinsbio: If you listen closely, almost all the animal sounds you hear mean: "mine," "look out!" "back off!" & "wanna get it on?… 22:18:10
- 'nacht allerseits! 22:45:47